Monday, January 2, 2023

"How to keep vaccine factories open" by Unbekoming


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How to keep vaccine factories open.

On flu vaccines, and maintaining a "Warm Manufacturing Base"

They talked us into talking flu shots again, and again, and again…so they could keep the factories open.

The bouncing ball of this story goes something like this:

  • The Spanish Flu story (the truthiness of that is for another day)

  • Births the fear (viruses can kill us all)

  • That births the industry (virus hunters and vaccine developers)

  • That gets the attention of the military (bio-warfare)

  • That is packaged as bio-defence (we need to be ready in case the Russians ever attack us with a virus)

  • That requires prompt vaccine manufacturing capability (ever ready vaccine factories)

  • But until we need them for “bio-defence”, we need a non-military story to “make a market” to keep them open

  • We need an official narrative, a story, a belief system, an ideology

  • That story is the flu shot

  • It doesn’t work, it makes you more likely to get the flu, and damages your immune system via Immune Imprinting

  • But it keeps the factories open, in case the Russians, or Chinese, or ISIS, or some guy buys a virus pack on eBay and make a bioweapon in their garage and kills us all.

  • Better safe than sorry, and if we kill a few people along the way; well, you need to break some eggs for the greater good, utilitarian omelet.

In Malone’s own words; there is a military and by definition “national security” impulse to have ever ready vaccine manufacturing capability at the drop of a hat.

Said another way; Military readiness disguised as civilian public health.

Said another way again; We have been duped into turning ourselves into pin cushions, to keep military factories open.

I used to live near a military factory, but that’s a different story.

The masthead video is about 21 minutes with the first 14 minutes by Malone and the last 7 minutes with Nass. I think both their commentaries complement the main thesis of this stack. It’s a discussion that followed Couey’s presentation that was organised by Kennedy Jr.

Malone has worked in major flu projects for most of his life. He’s been on the inside of all of this, which is why I value his take on it so much.

I like Malone, many don’t, but Malone seem to believe in the “threat”, so there’s that.

His comment about mRNA shots being used with livestock, as another way of maintaining factory warmth and readiness, I found especially interesting.

They’ll inject anything that moves to maintain “military readiness”.

I’m now starting to wonder how much “military readiness” has influenced childhood vaccine schedule size and scale in the US.

This story is yet another example of the magical power of threat exaggeration.

The money is in the exaggeration.

The power is in the exaggeration.

You can model a sciency looking exaggeration at the drop of a hat. This is why the modelers are so valuable.

If fear makes a market, and exaggeration creates fear, and models “prove” the exaggeration, then modelers are the market makers. If you own the modelers, you make markets.

I suspect the bio-warfare guys are really into models.

Nass talks about:

How over 65% of elders are getting a flu shot every year, and that the government has lied incessantly for decades that the flu shot works.

That they have said the shot works to prevent death “but there is absolutely no evidence that that is the case”.

She says, “probably because their immune system doesn’t respond as well as young people!”. This is called Immunosenescence and I wrote about it is July 2022. Basically, that an old, tired and worn-out immune system is bad at generating anti-bodies. So, injecting old people with antigens, and begging their immune systems to generate quality and long-lasting antibodies and immunity, is basically a fool’s errand, and a farce.

Nass has an interesting moment where she talks about how the government wildly exaggerated the number of flu deaths. There’s that exaggeration magic again.

Here is Malone again from his Substack, on flu vaccines.

Identifying Discrimination - by Robert W Malone MD, MS (

I was trying to avoid writing more stuff on masks, but this is unbelievable. UC Berkeley, that bastion of California higher education, is now requiring masks -both indoors and outdoors, if one is not vaccinated against… influenza! And, as a virologist and vaccinologist, the use of the slang “flu” makes me cringe. There are no “flu” vaccines. There are a variety of vaccines for reducing Influenza A and Influenza B virus infection and disease. None of them work particularly well. And just as with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the vast majority of deaths from Influenza A and B occur in the elderly or otherwise infirm. Not in college age young adults. In most countries, influenza vaccination is neither routine nor required. One of the main reasons why influenza vaccines are pushed in the USA is to maintain “warm base manufacturing capacity” in case we have a really deadly influenza virus arise.

And here he is again on the subject.

More SARS-CoV-2 and spike protein biology, immunology and vaccinology from Nov. 3 CHD panel discussion with Jonathan Couey, Robert Malone and others. (

Key quotes from CHD discussion Nov. 3, 2022

These quotes are transcribed from the last 25 minutes of the CHD discussion, from about 50:00 to the conclusion at 1:13:00.

This section of the discussion addressed warm-base manufacturing in the context of what Malone calls “runaway regulatory capture” and “the biopharmaceutical military industrial complex.”

Warm-base manufacturing was defined in a March 2014 Government Accountability Office report on National Preparedness, HHS Has Funded Flexible Manufacturing Activities for Medical Countermeasures, but It Is Too Soon to Assess Their Effectat p. 12.

A warm base refers to facilities that, once constructed and commissioned, would be operationally ready to quickly manufacture vaccine during an influenza pandemic.

These facilities are also intended to establish the capacity to provide core services for the development of [Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear weapons] countermeasures.

Key features of a warm base manufacturing system, according to Malone, are that the factories must be in virtually continuous operation. They can’t be “mothballed” because they need to have updated equipment, skilled scientists and raw material supply chains ready to begin production on the very short turnaround times dictated by rapidly-developing pandemics and epidemics.

Front Lines on the Fifth Generation Warfare (

The complexity comes in with the efforts to communicate effectively while dealing with the complexities of the modern media and information warfare/propaganda battlefield. For example, I gave talks in Richmond and down in Florida (Ocala area) in which I discussed the realities of the influenza vaccine manufacturing and marketplace issues.

Now I have been involved in influenza vaccine development, marketing, regulatory affairs, clinical research and associated issues for decades. I once served as clinical director, Influenza Vaccines for Solvay. This included oversight of about 200M$ in federal contract (BARDA) funds. I once gave an invited lecture at the World Health Organization headquarters on influenza vaccine technology and new vaccine product development. I totally understand the Influenza vaccine space, from product development through advanced development (clinical, regulatory, project management, funding, pricing, market complexities etc.).

I discussed the realities of warm based manufacturing. I discussed the evolution of my concerns with influenza vaccine and vaccine strategies - in detail. And for my efforts I was rewarded for trying to share what I know with the general population with yet another attack article (with the usual defamation) from a “journalist” who publishes his little bit of uninformed and un-researched drivel in Forbes magazine. It was so superficial, and make such a small impact, that I just chose to ignore it.

And lastly here is some useful information about flu vaccines.

Flu Vaccine Facts • Children's Health Defense (

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I am always looking for good, personal GMC (pandemic and jab) or childhood vaccination stories. Shared stories are remembered and help others.

In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.

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If you are Covid-jab injured, consider the FLCCC Post-Vaccine Treatment

If you want to understand and “see” what baseline human health looks like, watch this 21 minutes.

Here are three eBooks I have produced so far:

FREE eBook: A letter to my two adult kids - Vaccines and the free spike protein

FREE eBook: The Climate™

FREE eBook: What is a woman? - “We don’t know yet.”

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