Saturday, January 21, 2023

"Ruled by Psychopaths -- The Way Out" by KW Norton


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The second I opened this video I knew immediately it was further evidence of deep psychological issues. It is so clear we are under yet another well planned attempt at World Government. These people of the World Economic Forum (WEF) believe they represent us as citizens of Planet Earth. They are wrong.

Those who have read my essays know I have delved into the evidence of deep narcissistic personality disorder among these for over a year. They simply keep proving this in more outlandish ways. It is amazing to me that much of the world still doesn’t even know they exist as a threat.

They have distilled, in their attempt to go down in history as the new 21st century Fascist rulers, a unique aspect of totalitarianism. This is clear in their over simplistic and ignorant distillation of ideas which promote the very worst schemes possible. And this time it is completely planetary. With fascism now being imposed through technological means overarching all nation states we indeed have a problem. They are not leaders they are codependent, manipulative, toxic narcissists.

We as individuals do not need psychiatric training to observe the madness these people represent. I don’t write this as a psychiatrist but as an observing human.

What we do need to realize is the threat they represent. I do believe they will lose but there is an ever present danger they will take all of us with them as they fall. I believe they are so unstable they will completely succumb to their schizophrenia as they fail. I believe everything they represent is devolutionary and suicidal in nature.

Since I have written of this before I am not going to repeat it all here.

We all need to recognize this is a top down, well planned plot to rule us all. This is not theoretical.

I understand I am preaching here to the choir. I am willing to wager that everyone reading this is already aware of the threat.

It is essential to know that the WEF has existed in some form or another from roots planted in the 1960’s. And yet the philosophies expressed by them are nothing new. This is simply the 21st century manifestation. The central delusions they embody have existed at the heart of every civilization since time immemorial - poised to destroy it from within.

I have written about civilizational collapse before and will not risk boring the reader with another repetition. Anyone wishing links to previous essays can request them in the comments section.

I do want to point out a central issue besides the pure insanity however and these are the cultural aspects they represent.


The culture represented by the WEF is based on a stunning lack of diversity. They make passive aggressive attempts at representing diversity but it falls flat.

This WEF or Davos country club culture is based on monoculture. A monoculture repeated ad infinitum by their propaganda partners - the corporate mainstream media. A gulag of monoculture.

We are all more than familiar with the endless echo chamber embodied by this dumbed down monotone. Most of us have long ago turned off corporate media and turned to whatever alternative media sources we can find. This has effected a huge change - one represented by new media sources like SubStack.

The plot now in place to rule us is a many tentacled beast. The WEF partners have placed their partners in our governments, corporations and institutions across all nation states. This giant spider web is designed to trap us all in a matrix we cannot escape from.

As our world has descended steeply into the madness and fundamental lack of intelligence of the monoculture we live in a dystopian nightmare of delusion. The WEF, like all fascists, have their clownish sides. We have had a field day in making fun of them across alternative media for years.

Yet we have done nothing to defeat their goals.

They are middle manager types who thrive in the lockstep world of corporate culture.

Strong and healthy cultures are diverse. They interact within a recognition of the diverse and complex world we live in. They rely on complex interdependent cultural webs. They integrate the unalienable rights of the individual within the whole. They emphasize cooperation rather than competition.

They funnel natural and healthy competition into games, art, spirituality, leadership and daily life. Rather than compete for resources they work cooperatively and intelligently together to provide them to all. Anything which threatens the rights of the individual or the well being of the group is soundly rejected as incongruous or insane. Cooperative survival takes precedence over destabilizing forces.

The ascendancy of a leadership banded together in a WEF type organization is simply impossible in a healthy human culture. That this points the way toward the amount of work to be done - if and when we overcome this vast web of hostile forces - is clear.

It will mandate that we become a healthy culture to prevent our mistakes from being repeated. The implications of this are vast. We will need to understand the full implications of what our founding ancestors articulated in the American Constitution. It will require that we understand where these ancestors failed and how we can avoid these same pitfalls.

As a descendant of these ancestors - both Native Americans and Europeans - I cannot live with having this grand process dedicated to human freedom and liberty halted here.

We will need much information and cooperation as human beings to even imagine such a world. We will need to integrate guidance from these who we have been previously marginalized and excluded from our councils.

We will need to achieve those goals celebrated by those like Thomas Paine who steadfastly saw the American search for freedom and liberty as an international and universal goal and not one restricted to one nation state.

We will need to understand just what Thomas Jefferson meant when he said

“I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery.”

I believe we will need to grow as a culture to understand the founding fathers were imperfect visionaries who failed in their quest to form a nation which respected the unalienable rights of the individual.

We must come to understand and educate each other about our true history.

As James Joyce expressed

“History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake”

We will have the task of reinventing ourselves and the world so that our ongoing history is no longer a nightmare. So the grand and epic tale of our history is revealed in honest terms. So we can come to comprehend both our failures and our triumphs.

As our American ancestors once expressed

“Those who fail to understand history are like wind in the Buffalo grass.”

I remain committed to these goals. My SubStack will remain free to all. My trust is that we will continue to engage in free and open dialogue as we seek to create a better world for our children together. That is my sole interest here.

We have a long and difficult journey. We had best get started. May we attract and recognize wise and insightful spirits to guide our way. Time to light candles while standing against the darkness.

Source: KW Norton Borders

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