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Here’s what I’m wrestling with. By now it is abundantly clear that most people (upwards of 80%) just want to be told what to do. Okay fine, but there are LOTS of people one could obey — RFK Jr., one’s pastor, one’s personal trainer, Brené Brown, or the historical example of Gandhi, to name a few. However doing the right thing is NOT what excites most people. Rather, they want to be told what to do... so long as it is violent or evil. That’s where the frisson comes from and THAT’S what they want to obey. I think that there is an evolutionary reason for this. In the competition within and between tribes, those inclined to follow violent leaders did better than those who did not. Over time, society selects for sociopathy (that’s why nearly every developed country these days is led by a sociopath). And as technology becomes more advanced, the scale of the harms inflicted by the sociopaths increases. It seems that critical thinking is a recessive gene. Critical thinkers are feared because we remind society of what has been lost and what society lacks. Isn’t that the Christian story — a decent guy comes along and says ‘hey, our values as a society are all in the wrong place, let’s be kind to each other instead.’ And the bougiecrats of that era were like ‘no, no, no we cannot have that’ and nailed him to a tree. And that story is UNIVERSAL, we can all relate to the notion of a society that rewards sociopathy and punishes decency (health, peace, gentleness). Pharma understands the dark side of human nature better than anyone which is why they don’t even try to hide the villainy of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Albert Bourla, Stéphane Bancel, and Rochelle Walensky. If anything they play it up, allowing them to dress in ridiculous costumes and having them be as evil as possible when they are on TV. These people were selected because of their sociopathy not in spite of it. We point out endlessly the obvious harms from these shots. Our factual evidence is met with smirks from people who are addicted to the constant dopamine hit of doing the wrong thing. So much of what we are trying to do in fighting to stop the iatrogenocide is about helping people to resist their natural inclination to obey sociopaths. It’s a surprisingly heavy lift. Blessings to the warriors. Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. Huzzah for everyone building the alternative society our hearts know is possible. In the comments, please let me know your thoughts. As always, I welcome any corrections. Source: uTobian |