Sunday, January 15, 2023

"Circle of life trumps pyramid of control" by Ben Hunt


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Circle of life trumps pyramid of control


We need rules, not rulers, to live in harmony 

IN the game of cosmic rock, paper, scissors, the circle beats the pyramid. This is true law. Because nature is modelled on cycles and man’s System is modelled on the pyramid, we know that nature will endure long after the World of Men has blown away in the wind. 

As long as we choose to identify with the System, its fall into degeneration and ultimate demise may seem a tragedy. Its failure to maintain dominance could be perceived as the ultimate defeat. 

But, if we choose to be truthful and to identify instead with the natural world, owning our place in a magnificent, unbearably beautiful, awe-inspiring world, there is no failure, there is really no death, because we are everything and everything is us. 

For this reason, we can be at peace in the certain knowledge that we win, if only for the simple truth that what we truly are cannot ever be destroyed. 

So let’s turn our vision and our imagination to what will come next. 

We cannot overestimate the degree and the depths to which hierarchy has been inculcated into every level of our thinking. From preschool age, we have been reminded of the importance of obeying authority, which was of course necessary to mould us into good wage slaves. 

So what does it mean to reject hierarchy, I mean really, radically throw it out? Wait, is there a risk that society will descend into anarchy? 

Oops, sorry, that’s the System hierarchy talking again! See how easy it is? No, we will certainly not descend into anarchy! But - if we manage the transition in a spirit of love and truth and equity - we may ascend into anarchy. 

Anarchy is not represented by the petrol bomb; a better symbol for it could be a circle of people holding hands. (There’s that shape again.)

Remember, anarchy is not the absence of rules, but the absence of rulers. 

We don’t need rulers. We never did. The only reason we believe we must have them is because our rulers, who own the main channels of education and communication, have kept telling us we do. What a paradox! What a tragedy! 

So if you’re concerned that we will end up coming through all this tumult, only to replace one set of rules with another… well, actually, you’re right. That is what must happen. 

But please, dear friend, do not worry! It’s all good. Because they won’t be a new load of manmade rules. They will simply be expressions of the old ones - the really old ones, the most ancient laws. 

The System’s rules are entirely artificial, stemming back to the first time people were told they had to believe something that wasn’t actually real. What was this original dark magic? It was a deed that declared that, rather than belonging on the land as we had done since the dawn of time, the land now belonged to us. 

Actually, let’s qualify that. Human society has never claimed that the land belonged to us! Since the invention of perverted, manmade law (only around five thousand years ago,) it has always belonged to some humans. In fact, that’s not even correct. It didn’t even belong to some of us… it belonged to Them, the most ruthless of our kind; the minority, the so-called ‘elite’, the Owners, or - to apply the most accurate description - the psychopaths. 

They invented a new kind of law, which appeared to echo natural law, but it was perverted. These rules did not come from us, but were imposed from a top minority (whom they benefit) onto the less powerful majority (who suffer their consequences). 

Our rules, however, are eternal, divine, intrinsic to life itself. Natural law is literally written in the movements of the heavens, in the DNA within the nucleus of every cell in your body, and in every raindrop. 

The true law cannot be destroyed, cannot be overcome, can never be altered. 

The web of life is immortal for the same reason that the internet was supposedly conceived as a decentralised system with no control centre that might be taken out, meaning it could survive total devastation. 

Life is an immensely adaptable system, where it instantly fills gaps and restores balance with every ebb and flow of its unceasing tide; a truly decentralised system. 

Their System, on the other hand, is extremely fragile. It really doesn’t matter where characters like Sunak, Gates, Schwab, or Rothschild may sit in the hierarchy, they each occupy a place, and hierarchies can be dismantled. 

Every hierarchical structure has a head, and heads can be removed. Just ask the French. 

A further fundamental weakness in any artificial hierarchy is that power, resources and benefits are distributed inequitably. That means the hierarchy cannot hold itself together using Natural Law, but requires mechanisms of control. 

Leaders must restrict the actions and privileges of those beneath them, keeping them in their place through restraint, coercion, and fear. 

A further observation is that, because those in control are in fact a tiny minority, they must persuade the masses to accept their servitude voluntarily, as reflected in these quotes by Alan Moore’s fictional character ‘V’ in his speech in V for Vendetta: 

“Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. 

“How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.” 

We, the 99%, must admit that we did it all to ourselves through our compliance, by choosing the comfortable path, by listening to the puppets on the TV, by stepping up and presenting our children’s arms for the shots and their minds to the education system. 

Friend, I am certain that you and I can stand shoulder to shoulder with all of our sisters and brothers, and declare our words in a loud voice: ‘I’d rather be a human than a slave!’ Of course, ‘We The People’ have been complicit in our own enslavement - that’s the only way it could have worked. And the good news is that it ends when we say it ends. No more rulers, no more hierarchy. 

‘I was free once I realised the cage was made of thoughts.’ 

And let’s be gentle with each other. The vast majority of us have spent our whole lives being told that we must respect and obey authority and that will take some unlearning. 

So what takes its place? What does anarchy mean, and is it something we want? 

Well, the word anarchy simply means ‘without rulers’. In other words, nobody gets to tell anyone else what they must do. When we replace man’s law with Natural Law, we don’t look for leaders, and we get to be leaders. We can inspire each other to be the best we can be. 

We get to experience what it really means to be free. Yes, you really will be free to do what you want, provided you stand in virtue and follow your own natural moral compass: do no injury to another; make amends if you do; take what you need; be kind. 

It really isn’t difficult, it’s the natural instinct that every healthy thinking individual is born with. And no, the world is not basically evil and selfish… that’s another vile myth put about by those few scumbags who seek to profit from their own evil and selfish natures. 

It only takes one key step and this war is over. When enough of us admit that trusting authority was a mistake and turn back to the way of truth, nature, divine law… it is finished. 

We have to do it, we will do it, and we are doing it. But not ‘we’ as individuals and in isolation - all of us, together, helping each other to break the spell. 

Authority is the problem; it can never be the solution. Our solution will not come from above, but from within. Nobody is coming to save us right now. We’re already here. You are here. 

Tell everyone.

Source: The Light

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