Friday, January 20, 2023

"Friday Hope: Bromelain, NAC and Spike Disintegration" by Walter M Chesnut

Friday Hope: Bromelain, NAC and Spike Disintegration

A “Missile Defense” Approach: Neutralize Before the Enemy “Hits the Ground”

In another study, bromelain at a concentration of 100 g/ml was found to be effective in dissolving SARS-COV-2 spikes and envelope proteins. When combined with 20 mg/ml of acetylcysteine, the SARS-COV-2 spike and envelope proteins are fully disintegrated.

An Analysis Based on Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Bromelain as Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Variants

So, clearly this is VERY good news. If we can literally DISSOLVE the Spike Protein before it interacts with our ACE2 (and clearly many other) receptors, then the Spike, in essence, becomes as the nonillions of other viruses on the planet that cannot enter our cells.

What is Bromelain?

Bromelain, the key component of pineapple fruit and roots, is one of many active compounds found in pineapple that possesses therapeutic properties. Bromelain is made up of a variety of proteases, as well as phosphatase, glucosidase, peroxidase, cellulases, and glycoprotein. Minor thiol endopeptidase, ananain, comosain, protease inhibitors, and organically bound calcium are all present in pineapple bromelain.

Dissolving the Spike Protein is also enhanced by combining Bromelain with NAC.

What is NAC?

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), as a nutritional supplement, is a greatly applied antioxidant in vivo and in vitro. NAC is a precursor of L-cysteine that results in glutathione elevation biosynthesis. It acts directly as a scavenger of free radicals, especially oxygen radicals. NAC is a powerful antioxidant. It is also recommended as a potential treatment option for different disorders resulted from generation of free oxygen radicals.

A Review on Various Uses of N-Acetyl Cysteine

The paper cited above regarding Bromelain concludes:

The interaction between bromelain and various RBD variants of SARS-CoV2 was reported for the first time in this study. The detailed in silico analysis suggests that bromelain effectively binds to RBD’s active site, especially with the residues Gln493, Tyr449, Gly446, Gly496, and Gln498. As a result, the interaction between RBD and hACE2 was hypothetically interfered with significantly, thus suggesting the potential use of bromelain to prevent viral entry into the host cells. The current study could lay the groundwork for bromelain to be used as an inhibitor against SARS-CoV-2, but more in vitro and in vivo testing is needed before making any final conclusion.

Supplements are currently on the market for both Bromelain and NAC. However, as with all supplements, please check with your Primary Care provider before taking any supplements. I am a researcher, not an MD, this is a theoretical discussion and not medical advice.

I am encouraged by these results. We may be able to develop a protocol to negate the effects of the Spike Protein (and, potentially, SARS-CoV-2) by having our own internal “Patriot Missile System” against the invading Spike Protein.

I wish all a very pleasant weekend. Thank you for your continued support.

Source: WMC Research

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