Tuesday, January 17, 2023

"Who in the West Is Producing All the Propaganda" by Alberto Bradanini

Thanks to Who D. Who for contributing this article.

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How the citizenry in the West is being brainwashed 24/7. The creation of the “official narrative”.

January 15, 2023

17 minute read


According to the prevailing narrative, propaganda, i.e., the systemic production of falsehoods, would affect only nations lacking freedom of expression, autocratic, authoritarian or dictatorial countries (appellations, admittedly, attributed according to convenience). In authoritarian countries, with some diversity from one to another, the picture is quite clear, censorship dominates: some things can be done, others cannot. In spite of appearances, however, even in so-called democracies, the goal is the same, to control the discomfort of the majority against the privileges of the minority, only the technique changes, a technique based on LIE, which operates in a sophisticated way, creating news out of thin air, mixing lies and truths, omitting facts and circumstances, abusively rehashing past and future, comparing oysters to elephants.

The Propaganda Multiplier

In the opening of the essay The Propaganda Multiplier[2], Swiss Konrad Hummler states that “when faced with any kind of information we should never neglect to ask ourselves: why is this news reaching us, why in this form and at this time? At the end of the day, these are always matters of power.”

International media practitioners

Noam Chomsky, perhaps the greatest living intellectual, states in his essay “What makes the mainstream media mainstream,” that: “if you break the mold, power has many ways to bring you back into line. Yet, you can and should still fight back[21]. Some great journalists claim that no one has ever told them what to write. Chomsky clarifies this apparent contradiction this way, “they would not be there if they had not already proven that they write or say the right thing every time, and spontaneously. If they had begun their careers by writing the wrong things, they would never have gotten to the place where they can now say, seemingly, what they want. The same is true of university faculty in the disciplines that matter.”[22]
