Source: Born on the Fourth of July Even a rabbit cornered will fight back. What about an imperial Administration that feels it’s hold on the narrative weakening? What about a managerial deep state that sees an existential threat in the rise of Trump and conservative populism? What if the elite of that deep state imagine they might be prosecuted for their many crimes, if they lose their hold on power? What weapons, Blinken fails to mention, but the general sense is, long range, nuclear-capable ballistic missiles. He says we have to assure the Ukrainians know how to use them and manage them, but that implies it would not really be Ukrainians firing those weapons, but the Americans who have the expertise. So our Secretary of State is saying here, President Biden has authorized Americans shooting long range missiles into Russia. This has happened under the cover of the Trump trial and verdict. That has been sucking all the energy out of the room, an excellent opportunity to very quietly signal the official start to WWIII. There are no coincidences in geopolitics. It is the official start, because it has heretofore been by proxy, DC and the deep state pretending this is Ukraine defending itself and not DC and the deep state trying to destroy Russia. But now it is official, I don’t know to what extent the Regime was anticipating a $53 million dollar haul for Trump in the 24hrs after the verdict. The sheer joy of regime media mockingbirds, rejoicing in this verdict, suggests there is not any self-awareness in the Admin, deep state or regime media, that the more transparently authoritarian they become toward Trump, the more he rises in esteem by the people generally. A few have pointed out, Americans love the mythology of the outlaw, of the martyr, the underdog, the proverbial David vs Goliath. Trump is an unlikely David, but then his Goliath is an Empire. In Trumps first election run and Administration, Hillary, and Clintonite and Obama apparatchiks, slandered him with a ginned up story about how he was installed by Putin. All throughout his presidency, regime media mischaracterized repeatedly things he said, to slander him. The deep state acted in contravention to his wishes. That didn’t really work, not to the extent the regime expected. Stepping up the game, they impeached him twice. When that didn’t work, covid was at least in part an attempt to unseat him. That didn’t assure he would lose the election, so they stole it. Then the FBI facilitated Jan 06, to distract from the steal and put a final nail in Trump’s coffin. Still Trump did not recede, so they brought him up on 91 charges in four different venues, with a potential thousand years in jail. The FBI raided Trump’s residence with the authorization to use deadly force. Then in this most recent trial, it became abundantly clear, the judge was very willing to fulfill his orders from on-high, this would be a guilty, felony verdict no matter how. At the same time the regime officially signaled WWIII. It has been a ratcheting effect, every step becoming less democratic, less moral, less ethical, more authoritarian, more anything goes and nothing matters, more the ends justify the means. Back in 2016 and 2017 I was telling every democrat I could, your constant demonization of Russia risks WWIII. They only ever dismissed me, such was their hatred of Trump even then. Eight years of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), has utterly demolished their reason and logic, such that they are raving Trump would destroy America, even as their current President goes about destroying America. The concern here is to what extent the regime will go, to prevent another Trump presidency, by way of preventing their being held accountable about anything. Regime elite seem truly to believe, if Trump wins many of them will be arrested.
What do you suppose the sort of people who would have us believe that Russia blew up it’s Nordstream pipeline, that Putin controls Trump, who deny Ukraine had anything to do with the mass atrocity at the Crocus music hall outside Moscow despite the perpetrators were attempting to retreat into Ukraine, who have initiated WWIII trying to destroy Russia, who said the unvaccinated should not get health care and continue to prevent any accountability for the epic lie that was everything Covid, who say the Jan 06 protestors are insurrectionists and the Intelligence community had nothing to do with it, who have been calling the most corrupt election in living memory the safest and most secure election in history, who have been stirring up race hatred in divide and conquer fashion, who are sterilizing and sexually disfiguring children, who are sexualizing and politically indoctrinating young children in public schools, who are trying to normalize pederasty, who are driving straight white men not beholden to woke DIE policy out of every institution, while covering for the ongoing collapse of complex institutions because of increasing incompetence, who ginned up 91 fake charges to jail their political opponent with, who have fought to censure any question of regime actions - what do you suppose they are willing to do to stay in power indefinitely? ![]() Late in the week a friend sent an article from the Wall Street Journal: “Europe Sees Signs of Russian Sabotage but Hesitates to Blame Kremlin.” The piece described how European officials are seeing Russian fingerprints on acts of “sabotage on strategic infrastructure,” including “a severed undersea gas pipeline… 9 days ago · 1341 likes · 550 comments · Matt Taibbi
A few here on substack have surmised, the regime might gin up a new pandemic, to declare martial law with, cancel the election. The regime does not seem to have a problem with Zelensky in Ukraine cancelling elections, while saying the war in Ukraine is about saving democracy. Everything they do they call saving democracy, which is a euphemism for saving themselves, so why not another fake pandemic and martial law? I suspect part of the fix that was this recent Trump trial, was about inciting MAGA to revolt, that martial law might be declared, dissidents rounded up. (MAGA has shown great restraint instead.) This regime is so lawless, martial law and a cancelled election is well within such non-boundaries, literally whatever the means. This is what concerns me most at the moment, the deep state acting to ratchet up global war, to dispense with the election, as a pretense to round up dissidents, to keep themselves from having to be held accountable for anything, to maintain power over America for the rest of their days. Covid was a psy-op, they created a virus they had a vaccine for, to gin up a pandemic to print 20tril excess dollars, test run social controls, expand dodgy voting protocols which now have been normalized. They blew up Nordstream. They have been running show trials to take out their political enemy. They have opened the borders to a flood of any and all military aged males to wreak any havoc. They have declared rural white men to be the greatest threat to America - literally the people most likely to defend America from enemies foreign and domestic. There is probably no upper limit on the depravity of this regime, probably not even a dirty nuke taking out a city in Ukraine, to blame on Russia, probably not even such or similar attack on American soil on Americans, to blame on Russia and Trump and MAGA. What will these people not do, to not have to answer for the atrocities they have already perpetrated? They literally induced doctors to kill their patients. The Mayo Clinic is literally still denying life saving treatments to the unvaccinated. The regime has already perpetrated a mass murder, the last four years, right here in America. One might even begin to wonder to what degree the war in Gaza and the protests on campuses are a ginned up psy-op to distract from the genocide our own government perpetrated against us? I don’t mean to bring this up to frighten you. If you are still with me, if you are still subscribing to my substack, you are comfortable with this no-bullshit zone. One must always remember too, the first rule of war, and false flags, you can never know the truth of war. You can only anticipate what the government is capable of; we are unlikely to know for certain, if another atrocity perpetrated in America was perpetrated by our government, or some rogue actor, or some other Nation-State. We can only know for certain that the government will have a ready narrative and try to use the crisis to the government’s advantage. Like the government having a ready deflection narrative for everything from the Crocus Hall atrocity (ISIS-K) to the collapse of the Baltimore Key bridge (No evidence of sabotage!), expect them to have a ready narrative to deflect, away from their complicity, whatever the crisis. I have not forgotten my first instinct after Oct 7, that the sick phuks who run Israel allowed the atrocities, perpetrated by Hamas against Israeli citizens, so they would have an excuse to empty Gaza. Nothing since has dissuaded me from that instinct. I know for a fact DC and the deep state are capable of far worse. The point of talking about this is to expand the “Overton window” about what can be discussed. To that end, I have repeated here and elsewhere many times, the single greatest threat to the world, and to America, is DC and the deep state, facilitated by wokism, facilitated by Trump Derangement Syndrome. DC and the deep state are categorically insane, they are capable of unspeakable atrocity, and the longer they hold on to power, the more likely a time will come when the time for talk has come to an end. Hopefully, the regime will fall before it comes to that. |
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