Saturday, June 8, 2024

"Resisting t he drumbeats of war" from Nevermore Media


Source: Nevermore!

Resisting the drumbeats of war


Hey Folks!

It’s time for another edition of World War Round-Up!

This instalment will feature the insightful analysis of Nevermore co-founder Dave Amis, who blogs here on Substack under the name Stirrings From Below.;

Stirrings from below...
Resisting the drumbeats of war
Thursday June 6 was the 80th anniversary of D Day, the start of the Allied invasion of France to liberate it from German occupation in World War Two. This is how it was covered by the BBC: Biden says fight for Ukraine echoes struggle for freedom on D-Day…
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In his latest article, Dave notes that U.K. mainstream media and we here at Nevermore are now saying the same exact thing - that WWIII is here and that the West doesn’t stand a chance.

As always, your comments are appreciated. Do you think it feels like World War III? Do you have any thoughts to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day?

If it is WWIII, what do you think we should be doing? Heading for the hills? Forming militias? Growing food? Getting religious? Self-flagellating? Living each day like it’s our last? Starting doomsday cults? Having drug-and-alcohol-fuelled end-of-the-world orgies? All of the above?

Okay, it’s settled. All of the above it is. We Ride At Dawn!

for the Wild,

Crow Qu’appelle

Resisting the drumbeats of war

Thursday June 6 was the 80th anniversary of D Day, the start of the Allied invasion of France to liberate it from German occupation in World War Two. This is how it was covered by the BBC: Biden says fight for Ukraine echoes struggle for freedom on D-Day - BBC News | 6.6.24. On what you hoped would have been a day of sombre reflection, those who presume to rule over us couldn't resist using the occasion to bang the war drums when it comes to Russia. From Joe Biden, the shambolic US President making links between the D Day landings and the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia through to the presence of Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, at the commemorative events, they were all in their own way banging the drums of war. What the few surviving veterans from the D Day landings were privately thinking as the commemorative event was cynically exploited to push us towards World War Three (WW3) would be interesting to know. We suspect that some of them may well have smelt the bullshit emanating from our so called 'leaders' and were not overly impressed.

Right on cue as the D Day commemorations were underway, we have this piece from the warmongers in chief at The Telegraph: World War 3 has already started - Andrew Fox | 6.6.24. Fox argues that to all intents and purposes, we're already in WW3:

The UK’s strategic competitors are obvious: China seeks dominance over the Pacific theatre as well as mineral-rich countries in Africa and Asia. Russia aims to establish Soviet-style dominance over former USSR client countries. Iran seeks the end of US and wider Western hegemony in the Middle East. The Turkish and Qatari-backed Muslim Brotherhood seek domination of the Arab world.

Take a step back, and it looks as if the Third World War has started already. It just doesn’t look like the conflict we thought it would be. Rather than a shooting war, we are seeing intense strategic competition. No country can compete with the USA and Nato on the battlefield, so instead our enemies are trying to defeat us through economic and cultural means without firing a shot.

Funnily enough, in a roundabout way, the maverick anarchists at Nevermore have also concluded that WW3 is already underway and that NATO has already lost: NATO HAS ALREADY LOST WWIII 6.5.24:

So, I’ve decided to bring back World War Round-Up, a series in which I share my thoughts on the geopolitics of WWIII.

It’s been quite a while since the last edition…

Let’s see, what’s happened in the past six months or so?

  • Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria, and Iran launched an air strike in response.

  • The War in Ukraine appears to have entered into the mop-up phase.

  • Analysts are predicting that Russia will shore up up its Southwestern flank by annexing Moldova, which would allow Russia to use the Carpathian mountains as a natural barrier to would-be invaders.

  • The entry of Finland and Sweden into NATO means that Russia’s Baltic Fleet in Kaliningrad is now encircled, making Russian annexation of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuanian likely only a matter of time.

  • Russian troops are backing a bunch of coups in Africa.

Setting aside emotion and my extreme distaste of war, when you look at how things are playing out, concluding that WW3 is actually underway is a fairly credible analysis. Whether it's a right leaning journalist at The Telegraph or a maverick at Nevermore, they both acknowledge that the balance of power across the globe is changing and with that, comes the risk of conflict. Obviously, the routes to resolving the situation are very different with on the one hand, the likes of us mavericks wanting to permanently dismantle the power structures that are responsible for war and on the other, the likes of The Telegraph desperate to defend a dying empire regardless of the ultimate cost in human lives.

Looking at the leaders posturing at the D Day commemorations, the question has to be asked - where are the adults in the room? They sure as heck aren't among those who presume to rule over us. Pretty much all of them barely know one end of a rifle from another yet seem to be happy to ultimately send hundreds of thousands of people into the meat grinder of war in a desperate bid to preserve a dying empire. One that the bankers who wield the real power know is dying which is why the money flows are shifting across the globe to focus on areas where there's still perceived to be opportunities for 'growth'. A war to help 'sort out' the new multipolar world that's emerging would work wonders for their agenda of clearing the decks by means of the destruction of capital, with the added bonus of some serious depopulation.

It's pointless looking to any faction within the so called 'ruling establishment' to pull us back from the brink. You'd like to think that the Left would be able to offer some kind of direction in the fight against the push towards WW3 but, given their capitulation to the narrative we were fed during the Covid 'crisis', that is most likely a forlorn hope. The best hope may lay with what some have dubbed the 'Freedom Movement' that emerged in response to the restrictions and lockdowns of 2020 and 2021. However, it should be noted that there has been some fracturing within that movement with a number of elements openly aligning themselves with the Zionist cause. Having said that, other elements in the 'Freedom Movement' have openly aligned themselves with the Palestinian cause. This schism is something I wrote about in this piece: It was never going to last so, we need to move on... 16.10.24.

It took just a few days for what some thought was a growing sense of unity between disparate currents of dissent against the Covid narrative and the great reset to completely shatter along the lines of whether people support Israel or Palestine. Given the tribal nature of the way sides are now being taken in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, that sense of unity is never, ever coming back.

I've got some bad news for those who have been berating me for my involvement in one of the many currents of opposition to the Covid narrative and the great reset - I'm not mourning the loss of what was nothing more than an illusory sense of unity. At some point, the shit had to be cleaned out of the stables - that has finally happened. I'll be honest and admit that it should have happened a lot sooner. Anyway, a massive shaking out has happened so, while I haven't found what could be termed a tribe, I have found a range of people thinking roughly along the same lines I can work with on fighting the great reset.

To put things into some kind of perspective, this is a supporter of the Palestinian cause cheering on the Humanity Stands Together' protest against lockdowns and vaccine mandates that took place at the end of 2021. Many of the protesters cheered her back:)

Despite all of this, there are currents within the broad umbrella of the 'Freedom Movement' who could form the basis of the anti-war movement that we need. This piece from Chris Rea gives me some degree of hope for the future: War: Who is it good for? - | Real Left | 27.1.24:

The power nexus that organised and executed the covid operation and which is driving Net Zero, central bank digital currencies and all the other anti-human elite agendas, also engineers and finances and profits from war.

The Freedom Movement has an important job to do in agitating for a new form of anti-war activism that focuses relentlessly on the financial interests at the apex of the pyramid, not just the delivery agents further down, and it must educate the public about the interconnectedness of the dominant ruling class agendas.

This is the third post in the last fortnight I've written about the seemingly relentless push towards WW3 and the ongoing propaganda effort designed to bludgeon us into accepting the inevitability of it. I don't enjoy writing these posts but feel compelled to speak out in the hope that people will be galvanised into halting the push towards war, and also, wanting to dismantle the power structures and financial interests behind this. The bastards can only win if we fall for their psyops and propaganda, and comply with their agenda. We have no obligation to comply to the agendas of these people. We have every obligation to refuse to comply, totally withdraw our consent, and resist with everything we've got. While the bastards are beating the drums of war, we need to start lobbing some spanners into the power structures and financial networks that dominate and defile our lives. It's not too late to start...

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