Saturday, June 24, 2023

Watch and read: "A Neocon Monster: The Ruinous Lies & Crimes of Bill Kristol, Now a Major Foreign Policy Thought-Leader in the Democratic Party"


This includes  Glenn Greenwald's System Update podcast on Rumble, "The Singular Evil of Bill Kristol," and John Cechi's "A reminder of what Neocons are."  

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Source: The Greanville Post

A Neocon Monster: The Ruinous Lies & Crimes of Bill Kristol, Now a Major Foreign Policy Thought-Leader in the Democratic Party

June 22, 2023 16 minutes read
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Streamed on: 

A Neocon Monster: The Ruinous Lies & Crimes of Bill Kristol, Now a Major Foreign Policy Thought-Leader in the Democratic Party | SYSTEM UPDATE #102

YOUTUBE VERSION (Abridged and it may vanish overnight due to Google's capricious censorship practices.)

20 June 2023

John Cechi
A reminder of what Neocons are 

Many of the original Neocons are New York Jews as well as turncoat Marxists, Trotskyists to be precise. Trots are well-known for their factionalism, probably an offshoot of bourgeois neuroses and idealism ("perfectionism"), traits that make them natural objective allies of imperialism, which they profess to oppose.

Like most turncoats and betrayers of leftist causes, many Neocons, perhaps to prove their loyalty to their new posture, have a deep hatred for anything progressive, so they have embraced US imperialism, a form of concentrated evil, like all imperialisms, with unparalleled zeal. Even today, though Neocons do have a solid contingent of gentiles—John McCain, John Bolton, Lindsey Graham, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, John Kerry, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mitt Romney, Dick Cheney, the Bush clan, the arch-evil John Negroponte, Nikki Haley, etc.—Jews continue to predominate, especially in the ideological sphere.  To name just a few: Paul Wolfowitz (credited with distilling the Straussian doctrine that justifies US hegemonism); Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, Paul Bremer, Ken Adelman, Max Boot, Adam Schiff (the shameless Russiagater), and, of course, perhaps the most radioactive and toxic of the bunch, the two most influential clans, the Kagans (which includes Ukraine regime-changer Victoria Nuland, married to Robert Kagan), and the Kristols.

Love of knowledge and intellectualism runs deep in Jewish culture, perhaps an acquired survival trait for a breed that has often found itself at the receiving end of brutal persecutions. So, yes, the cliché holds water: Jews are smart. Plenty smart, as a rule. A dumb Jew is almost an oxymoron, a rare occurrence, although some Jews must also be clumsy mediocrities, functional idiots, or else they wouldn't need words like schmuck, schlemiel, etc. For thousands of years, they are also noted for being resilient and stubborn. Jews make superior agents for good when they're on the side of the angels, and formidable engines of evil when they are on the wrong side, terrible enemies, when they sell themselves out to greed and power. This requires a fair dose of opportunism, or call it "flexibility", but that's also in abundance among Neocons; call that character quality a "subset" of being smart. Being smart reinforces the odds of passing our genes. Reminds me of  LT Tom Keefer (Fred MacMurray), the would-be Hollywood writer and big shot who declares in the classic film The Caine Mutiny, with a touch of pride:  "I'm too smart to be a hero."

But what's the reason for their durability? For one thing, It doesn't hurt that they populate the media, politics, academia, and the professions in disproportionate numbers. That's why opinion-shaping (and power) comes easy to this group. They're the original influencers. Moreover, they also have a technically foreign source of power inside the US: Israel, and its many affiliated organisations. Jewish Neocons, in a glaring example of often divided loyalties, both defend and benefit from their partiality to Israel. I say "technically" because Israel is so integrated into official US culture and politics, serving as the Empire's gendarme in the Middle East,  that, for many, it constitutes a second nationality, sometimes first. (Many Neocons are actually dual nationals). But the real source of their staying power at the highest levels is as obvious as it is simple: The Neocon "ideology" is merely an articulation of the unhealthy amalgam of self-serving myths that have fueled America's sense of superiority since its birth: American exceptionalism, Manifest Destiny, and other conceits. This toxic brew began to evolve into a conscious push for Empire by the turn of the 20th century, when TR, an irrepressible chauvinist, gave expression to that desire for feeling above all other nations, not too different from the other nation that also thought itself uber alles, but that's another story.

As is well known, US expansionism became a defining characteristic of the new indispensable nation by the end of WW2, when most of the world lay prostrate in ruins, and Washington, flushed with hubris, a huge economy, a colossal propaganda/cultural machine, the atomic bomb, and a mighty industrialism, set about creating a new global empire grounded in the National Security State that would soon replace the old colonialist order still ruled by a now exhausted Britain, France and other European powers. Very soon, the nascent "military-industrial complex" (aka "the Pentagon Economy"), would flex its muscles around the globe, while searching for a self-rationalising ideology for its continued existence. This need for strategic "assistance" in terms of guidance in a complex world was quickly filled by academic imperialists and prostitutes, who flocked to the newly created think tanks (RAND was actually created by the Pentagon itself), thereby spawning a veritable new industry, an industry that remains extremely profitable in terms of money and power for those who run it, people who, as you may guess, happen to be disproportionally, Jewish Neocons. 

Incidentally, in case you wonder, one of the pillars of US exceptionalism, its putative moral superiority, gives convenient cover to America to meddle around the globe, like a malignant errant knight, to help supposedly oppressed people attain the nirvana of earthly politics, perfect freedom coupled to a US-style democracy. The huge chasm between the prominently advertised good and reality has in turn generated a humongous level of operational hypocrisy. It could not be otherwise. Those who must deny reality at all costs are obliged to pay a high price. The US is not a democracy but a plutocracy, which is the denial of actual political representation to the average citizen. The upshot is that, of all nations in the world, the US has the very dubious honor of being a regime ruled and kept alive by the Big Lie, that is, constant administration of p.r. tricks and hypocrisy at all levels. 

Managing the Empire and its innumerable crimes, including, now, the deliberate inching toward a nuclear war of choice, damns everyone in the ruling class and its flacks. As expressed earlier, the Neocons' ability to juxtapose their squalid personal goals with the US ruling class's obsession with global hegemony—a masterful cynical stroke of opportunism—explains their remarkable endurance and prominence in the spheres of power, but the problem is far deeper and broader than their perfidious careerism, as the cancer of imperialism afflicts now all spheres of conscious governance in America, and, by extension, the rest of humanity itself. 

About the author
Glenn Greenwald is a well-known journalist and free speech advocate and animal liberation campaigner. Re resides in Rio de Janeiro. /// Philadelphia resident John Cechi, a former worker in the medical field, looks at the world with increasing despair.

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