Thursday, July 11, 2024

"The 10/7 Truthers" by CJ Hopkins


Source: CJ Hopkins

Thank God for the 10/7 Truthers! For a moment there I was starting to worry that the world was never going to learn The Truth about how the Israelis murdered everyone on October 7th and blamed it on Hamas.

Yes, that’s right, you evil Zionist genociders, suck on The Truth! The IDF did it. They killed everyone. Or almost everyone. Or “most if not many” of them. Or “many, many” of them. They “Hanniballed” them all. Yes, also the ones at that “Nova” festival. They lured them down there to that all-night rave, got them all hopped up on that MDMA, and then dressed up like Hamas and wasted them!

And, now, finally, The Truth is out … or is out again … or is confimed … or something!

Seriously, this is probably the most monumental investigative-journalism story since the one about how the alleged “planes” on 9/11 were actually holograms, because the whole thing was really a Mossad “false flag” op carried out by those dancing Israelis!

Now, I realize that The Truth is hard for Zionists and Zionist-sympathizers to accept. After all, according to most of my zealously anti-Zionist former readers, I am one of those genocidal Zionists, or a Zionist sympathizer, or a genocide denier, or I’m being Kabbalistically mind-controlled by my wife, who is Jewish, and very possibly Mossad.

Nonetheless, The Truth is The Truth. As Aaron Mate put it in a recent piece, “under the Hannibal doctrine, Israel’s aim was to kill its own people rather than let them be traded in a future exchange for Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons.”

OK, sure, that’s not exactly what the so-called “Hannibal directive” is about, at least not according to the IDF as quoted by Haaretz in 2014 …

“The original order, drafted together with Northern Command's operations officer Colonel Gabi Ashkenazi (who would become IDF chief of staff) and intelligence officer Colonel Yaacov Amidror (later National Security Advisor) stated that "in case of capture, the main mission becomes rescuing our soldiers from the captors, even at the cost of hitting or wounding our soldiers." […] Recent reports in the international media suggest that the directive is tantamount to ordering the captured soldier to be shot in order to prevent him being taken prisoner; rather, it is the suspension of safety procedures which normally prohibit firing in the general direction of an IDF soldier, specifically firing to stop an escaping vehicle.”

But, whatever, those Zionists are all a bunch of liars. And I am a Zionist sympathizer, or why else would I post that quote? The point is, the IDF murdered everyone, or, OK, maybe Hamas helped a bit …

See, The Truth is, Hamas had absolutely no desire to harm or … you know, slaughter civilians. As “those who know the Resistance” will explain to you, Hamas was going house to house, interviewing hostage candidates, when the IDF went totally berserk and started “Hanniballing” the hell out of everyone.

According to this guy, Israeli soldiers have “confirmed” that they “did the massacre that day” …

I don’t know how much more proof you need. I mean Aaron, and Caitlin, and Richard, and all the other anti-Zionist folks who are reporting The Truth are nothing at all like those lying Israeli propagandists who pumped out the “40-Beheaded-Babies” story, or the “Underground-Hospital-Command-Complex” story, or those tapes of the “Hamas guys” discussing how they accidently bombed their own hospital (i.e., back before the IDF started bombing hospitals willy nilly), and the rest of the official propaganda that Israel et al. have been pumping out.

Richard, for example, is an “independent journalist,” who is doing serious journalism, not propaganda. OK, granted, he’s in “the pro-Palestine camp,” and appears to be self-censoring a bit “to avoid division and helping the enemy,” but I am certain that would never lead him to slant, or distort, or totally mutilate The Truth, like those Zionists do on a daily basis.

Plus, the “IDF Hanniballed Everyone” story — in addition to being the Verified Truth — is nothing like the torrent of anti-Semitic propaganda that is currently flooding the Internet, which, as Richard notes, is the work of fake anti-Zionists, who hate the Jews, as opposed to just the Zionists (who it’s perfectly fine and natural to hate) and who are “just as cancerous as Zionists.”

I have a feeling this might be one of them …

I don’t know who this person is, but she and her ilk are suddenly all over my X feed with this neo-Nazi mind-garbage. It appears she is rather popular on X, or is being promoted by X, and probably both. She also appears to be popular with a lot of real anti-Zionists, or … I don’t know, maybe I’m just losing track of who’s who.

In any event, this type of mind-garbage has nothing to do with actual anti-Zionism, which, of course, has nothing to do with Judaism. There is nothing inherently anti-Semitic about wanting to wipe Israel off the face of the planet, or pointing out that Jews control the US government, or … wait, I’m getting confused again. I think that probably is anti-Semitic, unless you say “Zionists” instead of “Jews,” in which case, you’re totally in the clear!

Whatever. The point is, The Truth that the 10/7 Truthers are exposing to the world — i.e., that the Zionists killed all the victims (or most, or many, many of the victims) on October 7, and then blamed it on Hamas — bears no resemblance whatsoever to the standard “The Jews are Controlling the World” narrative that neo-Nazis and other anti-Semites have been disseminating since the dawn of anti-Semitism, and anyone who suggests that it does is probably a Zionist, or … you know, a Jew.

Sorry, this column isn’t going quite as planned. I was hoping to get back in the good graces of my anti-Zionist colleagues, and I think I’m blowing it.

Anyway, I am very grateful — as, I am sure, are the Palestinian people — to the 10/7 Truthers for exposing The Truth. It’s like a veil has been lifted from my eyes! I see now how Hamas’ mostly peaceful hostage-recruitment excursion was exploited by those devious Zionists. I’m certain, once the rest of the world sees The Truth, well, that will be the end of Zionism, and Palestine will be free at last!

Clearly, we are right on the verge of that already.

In the meantime, I need to wrap up this column and go up and help my wife with the housework. She’s a little over-extended currently. They’ve got her doing double-duty, controlling both the banking system and the media. Apparently, they had to reassign her uncle Morty, who normally handles banking, to the French elections ... or, I don’t know. I’m not really privy to all that stuff.

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