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Never Again! No More Hasbara Holocaust Memorial Days! No More Hierarchy of Victims!
The claims of Israeli apologists like Stephen Fry are just that same old wine in new bottles, of Zionist criminals extrapolating their crimes onto others, just as the Nazis or any similar cohort did in the past.
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The United Nations, in conjunction with the European Union, sponsors Holocaust Memorial Day in honour of the 32nd Rifle Division of the Soviet Red Army, which liberated Auschwitz Concentration Camp and its 7,000 surviving prisoners on 27 January 1945.
Although accounts differ on the scale of the brutality meted out at Auschwitz and camps allied to it, the Soviet officers, whose men liberated it, are on record as saying none of the very many other horrors they witnessed were on a par with what they saw at Auschwitz where they “also found 600 corpses, 370,000 men’s suits, 837,000 articles of women’s clothing, and seven tonnes (7.7 tons) of human hair.”
As the 322nd Rifle Division’s liberation of Auschwitz was a very minor sideshow in the Soviet 60th Army‘s Vistula-Oder offensive, they quickly moved on and were fighting in Czechoslovakia at war’s end, after which they were disbanded.
Although the Nazis’ death camps remain a byword in inhumanity, Norman Finkelstein’s The Holocaust Industry makes the important point that Mossad milking this Holocaust did not gain traction until several years after the war ended and that the only reason it did was to force Europe to subsidise Israel’s repression of the Palestinians and allied Arabs.
Certainly, there is no moral or ethical reason why Zionists in faraway Israel should have been privileged over others, over, for example, Red Army POWS who died in German custody at the same rates that Jewish prisoners died in Auschwitz, or Biafran victims of MI6s Nigerian Civil War, or the millions of Bengal Indians Churchill deliberately starved to death as part of his self-serving war effort, or the Boer women and children who suffered similar attrition rates in British concentration camps.
Not only were concentration camps a largely British invention but, back in more enlightened times than our own, the Nazi excesses had always been linked to the British and American eugenicists who had inspired their crimes.
Not now. Western children are indoctrinated by first being forced to read the warblings of Anne Frank before moving on to The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, neither of which has an iota of academic or literary merit. The Jews Israel murdered for rescuing other Jews from the Hungarian Holocaust are forgotten and so is the massive collaboration of the Zionist movement with the Nazis’ final solution plans.
Those plans were put in place by criminal opportunists like Bob the Robber Briscoe, helped every step of the way by the Kosher Nostra, by Micky Cohen’s Californian mafia mob Briscoe had courted in his earlier boot legging days on behalf of the IRA back in the Roaring ‘20s.
To conquer the Arab world, the Zionist movement needed fighting aged men and women of child-bearing age and the emphasis of Bob the Robber Briscoe and other Zionist criminals was on rescuing them and not others, who, having already lived their allotted three score and ten, would be of little use in the ethnic cleansing campaigns that lay ahead. As the Hungarian Jews burned, Briscoe and his buddies were building golf courses of all things, when not planning the final solution of the Palestinians.
Those Zionist ethnic cleansing campaigns were already in full flight when the Nazis surrendered and the first ships with their lying messages about being innocent victims sailed into Haifa. During the 1930s, British Army officer Orde Wingate and his Zionist cut throats had already ensured that mass killings and mass rapes were the lot of the Palestinians long before these Jewish reinforcements showed up.
From the longer Palestinian perspective, Hamas dual citizen hostage Mia Schem today claiming she “went through a Holocaust” or Canadian porno writer Lauren Wise claiming the high ground against pro-Palestinian protesters she threatened to rape and urinate on are all parts of the same old Zionist tune that extends to the long held belief that Israel, which, harvests the organs of those it murders, holds the moral high ground.
The claims of Israeli apologists like Stephen Fry are just that same old wine in new bottles, of Zionist criminals extrapolating their crimes onto others, just as the Nazis or any similar cohort did in the past.
Praising Fry’s rant, the hate-filled Guardian newspaper remarked that juxtaposing the plight of Palestinian children currently being slaughtered this very day in front of our eyes in Gaza with that of “Naatje de Leeuw-Levie, a Dutch-Jewish woman who was deported to the [Auschwitz] camp” is rampant anti-Semitism, presumably because the Palestinians their Israeli heroes rape, rob and murder are, like those Boers, Biafrans and Red Army POWs, who died before the vast majority of us were born, children of a lesser God than are bums like Fry.
Ali’s On the Grill
Imagine you live in a country where you burn little children to a crisp and then sing about it as part of your wedding ceremonies. Imagine you live in a country where your own children sing about exterminating other children you claim are human animals, who give birth to young boys you can rape with impunity. Imagine you live in a country where your Prime Minister supports the world’s most racist football team. Imagine you live in a country where your soldiers can beat Turkish journalists to a pulp and murder hundreds of other journalists for the hell of it. Imagine you live in a country that has an 80 year long history of murdering diplomats and European aristocrats. Imagine you live in a country where your army leaders demand your troops murder two million men, women and children to restore ‘the honour’ of your country.
Imagine you live in a country where the BBC regurgitates your lies like they were the Gospel or, if you prefer, the Torah. Now imagine that country controls the wars of the narrative and that Germany, together with its American master, will jail you for saying children like Ali have the right not only not to be raped but that they have the right to life itself.
Chances are you don’t live in such a country but that you instead live in a country like Australia or France where Israeli asset Rupert Murdoch bombards you night and day with his crude propaganda to justify Australian complicity in all those war crimes, where human slugs like Douglas Murray are paraded on your TV screen to spit their venom at those at the receiving end of all these war crimes, for which each and every one of the perpetrators deserves the hangman’s rope.
They say that the time to stop Hitler was when the first Jew was being beaten up in Berlin, Munich or Cologne. Perhaps so. But others far more deserving of a hiding are today getting their asses handed to them in Gaza, Jenin and all along the South Lebanese border. A tragedy of course, not least because the Herzogs, the Netanyahus and the other Bob the Robbers and Victoria Nulands of our day will walk away from all of this carnage without a scratch.
But, if the genocides that are currently being live streamed to us from Gaza and the West Bank help to put an end to this hypocritical Holocaust Memorial Day which privileges a minority of today’s well-heeled victims over history’s vast majority, then ex malo bonum, out of this evil will come some good. A long shot, given the history of these perpetrators but, despite these perpetual propaganda exercises, we must live in hope.
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