Saturday, October 7, 2023

"DISGRACEFUL. America is still trapped in mass imbecility." by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos


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DISGRACEFUL. America is still trapped in mass imbecility.

The effects of unrelenting, longstanding propaganda, and cynical psyops like Russiagate have further degraded the political IQ quotient of most Americans.

October 6, 2023 17 minutes read
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J. Matson Heininger

Neocon vermin doesn't come much worse than Lindsey Graham, South Carolina's toxic gift to the world.


Living in a nation of warmonger sociopaths: Democratic support has remained steady at 77%, down just two points from July 2022. Overall, 63% of Americans still support aid to Ukraine down from 72% in July 2022.

Clearly, American citizens today would have no trouble mimicking their forbears... exterminating the native Americans as their Nation expanded forever West, distributing pox-laden blankets, shouting the glory of God and The White Man's burden while slaughtering the buffalo (a people's food supply and so much more, tents, needles rope etc., sinew...) What a country!

Americans deserve the misery that's coming for them! (In 1971 it was possible to escape America by moving to certain enclaves in the country, I did this then. Today, the only escape is to leave the country. And today, I am too old for that. If I were young I would be getting out of here and heading to China or maybe Russia for its glorious architecture and past culture, the places the United States seeks to be at war with as it slips into chaos, despair, and for most Americans, a future of immense economic hardship).

Thanks to primarily its warmongering and belligerence, its lack of producing anything of value and its fealty to the rich...the American people became vassals because of their own stupidity)

"in its war against the Russian invasion, while 53% overall say it’s been “worth the cost.” Some 45% say it has not been worth the cost. [Here Americans are regurgitating the same memes they have been fed by vermin like Lindsay Graham et al.—Ed]

The new numbers represent a slight dip — 65% supported aid in November last year (down from 72% in July 2022"

What did they say at the end of the Looney Tunes Cartoon..."That's All Folks!"


Poll: Americans split by party on whether Ukraine weapons aid ‘worth it’

Overall, the majority still support arms "to oust Russia"


A new Chicago Council on Global Affairs poll finds that 63% of Americans support continued aid to Ukraine in its war against the Russian invasion, while 53% overall say it’s been “worth the cost.” Some 45% say it has not been worth the cost.

The new numbers represent a slight dip — 65% supported aid in November last year (down from 72% in July 2022). The biggest decline is coming from Republicans — no surprise there. According to the poll, 50% of Americans who identify as Republican support continued arms aid to Ukraine, a drop of 18 points since July last year, and a full 30 points from the beginning of the war in February 2022.

Meanwhile, Democratic support has remained steady at 77%, down just two points from July 2022.

On the issue of whether the support is “worth the cost,” the numbers are partisan mirror opposites. For Republicans, 38% say U.S. weapons support has been worth it, while 61% say no. For Democrats, 69% say yes, 29% say no.

Interestingly, strong majorities still say NATO (and consequently, U.S. troops) should get directly involved if a NATO country is attacked. According to the poll, roughly 64% say they would favor sending U.S. troops to fight if Russia attacked a NATO ally like Germany; while 57% said they would support the same if Russia attacked allies like Latvia or Lithuania.

As an alliance, by the way, NATO still enjoys a healthy support from both parties, with 77% saying the U.S. should maintain its support and commitment, only down from 81% last July.

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