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Source: Hua's Substack
The US government likes to say that it is in confrontation with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) rather than against the Chinese people. The US Congress often takes pains to label its anti-China legislations as anti-CCP.
The controlled media also follows this politically correct approach to describe the US-China competition.
I often wonder why. I further wonder –
- Do the Americans really understand what communism is?
- Is China really ruled as a communist country?
- Indeed, does it matter to the US what kind of political system China has?
- Is the new cold war between US and China really over ideology?
The answer to each is no and I suspect every thinking man knows the answers at an intuitive level.
But it is fun to answer each of these questions to expose the hypocrisy the US regime uses to hide its real agenda and gaslight the indoctrinated population of its own and the collective west.
What is communism?
Wikipedia defines communism as the following –
– A sociopolitical, philosophical and economic ideology centered around public ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange that allocates product to everyone in society based on need (sounds a bit idealistic and impractical but not particularly evil)
– A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes, and ultimately money and the nation state (Wikipedia seems to contradict itself right off the bat – communism advocates public ownership of “means of production” rather than banning private property, a huge distinction that escapes the editors of Wikipedia)
– Communist parties are generally described as radical left or far-left (interestingly the US distaste with political radicalism seems exclusively focused on the far-left variety rather than the far-right one – Benjamin Netanyahu, Giorgia Meloni, Victor Orban, Yoon Suk Yeol are all regularly described as far right by the mainstream media in the west but they are all counted as good friends of the US regime)
– Communists are intolerant of other systems of government, preach the universality of the ideology, and advocate worldwide revolutions to spread its ideology (a striking similarity with western neoliberalism, wink wink)
Overall communism does not sound like an evil cult as far as isms go. The radical far right such as Hitler’s Nazism with its corporate totalitarianism was far more destructive to the world. But many elements of the Nazi ideology have been fully embraced by the capitalists of the west.
I digress and let’s go back to the topic at hand.
Is China a Communist country?
China cannot be more different from the model “communist” country the USSR.
– China does have public ownership of most critical means of production (e.g. land, infrastructure, utilities, education system, healthcare system, banking, etc.).
But private ownership co-exist – including all above critical means of production. According to the World Bank, the private sector in China (including foreign owned businesses) contribute 60% of GDP, 80% urban employment and 90% of new jobs.
– Private ownership is hardly banned in China. China has the second highest number of billionaires after the US. China has one of the world’s highest home ownership (~93%). Private savings in China is greater than the US. The Chinese own more cars than the Americans.
Telsa owns its China giga-factory 100% which produces over 50% of its global production. Apple, VW, BMW, GM, Starbucks, P&G, HSBC Bank, PriceWaterhouse all have massive operations in China and count China as one of their largest markets globally.
Some of the most successful Chinese businesses are privately owned including Huawei, BYD, CATL, DJI, Alibaba, Tencent, ByteDance.
– China puts national sovereignty as one of its most important foreign policy pillars. It discourages immigration or outside influences to dilute its civilization and nation state. China celebrates its civilizational uniqueness. China hardly has a communist globalist worldview.
– China has no interest and no record to influence other countries’ government systems or domestic policies. It has a firm non-interference policy as the basis of state-to-state relationship. It has no treaty alliances with any foreign state. It doesn’t have or export a universalist ideology or “value” system like the USSR or the US for that matter. There is no Communist Internationale and no satellite states.
China wants to change the US or any other country as much as it wants to have a root canal.
If you read the CCP mission statement, the aspirations are simple enough –
- Improve the standard of living for the Chinese people
- Defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country
- Modernization of the economy and science and technology
- Rejuvenation of the Chinese civilization and restoration of the Chinese nation to its rightful historical position as a rich and powerful country
These are all internally focused goals. Nowhere to be found are aspirations to spread worldwide communist revolutions or abolish private ownership or roll back capitalism.
I encourage anyone to name a country in the world which honestly believes it is a potential ideological victim of the CCP.
When you compare the definition of communism with the governance and economic realities in China, you realize that to label China as “Communist China” is akin to label the Habsburg monarchy the “Holy Roman Empire” – famously known as neither holy nor Roman.
China is as communistic as Federal Express is federal.
Does it matter what system of government China has?
If the US regime is against communist, it certainly has not exhibited the same level of hostility towards other communist countries such as Vietnam, which it is actively courting in the hope of getting Vietnam to align with the US to confront China.
Historically the US regime has been very comfortable partnering with all sorts of “undesirable” nondemocratic governments from the Arab sheikdoms to Latin American and Asian military dictatorships to European and Middle Eastern terrorist organizations –
– In post WWII Germany, the US regime put Reinhard Gehlen, a former Nazi SS officer and mass murderer, as the first president of West Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service (BND); two former Nazis, Walter Scheel and Heinrich Lubke, served as West German Presidents during US occupation.
– In post war Japan, the US undermined the popular local communist party and allied with the Yakuza mafia to put the mob affiliated Liberal Democratic Party in power, which has been running Japan essentially as a one-party state to this day.
– In Korea, the US installed the local collaborators of the Japanese colonizers immediately after WWII to run the South Korean government. It then supported the military dictator Park Chung Hee. The military dictatorship lasted decades and violently oppressed unions and students – the country enjoys its own Wikipedia entry called List of Massacres in South Korea. All this occurred during US military occupation and was tacitly approved by the American overlord.
– In the Chinese renegade province of Taiwan, the US regime supported the military rule and martial law imposed by Chiang Kai-shek and his son Chiang Ching-kuo until 1987. The US regime would not mind a bit to have a North Korea-like family dynasty in Taiwan as long as it remains a client state.
– In Latin America, the region covered under the US neocolonial Monroe Doctrine, US atrocities are too numerous to count. Its crimes against populations in Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, El Salvatore, Haiti, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Nicaragua and Grenada can fill libraries.
In every instance here, the US regime sided with murderous dictators (such as Pinochet), drug lords (such as Noriega) and terrorist organizations and death squads (such as the Contra) against the populace.
The US regime overthrew Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala and participated in the murder of Salvador Allende in Chile, for the crimes of trying to improve the lives of their citizens.
– In the Philippines, the US regime supported military dictator Ferdinand Marcos who looted over $20 billion from his country in the 70s and 80s, transforming the Philippines from one of the richest Asian countries in the 1960s to one of the poorest today.
– In Indonesia, the US regime helped to overthrow Sukarno and installed military dictator Suharto who massacred over a million of its population. The goal was to secure the gold and oil riches of the country.
– In Cambodia, the US helped to put Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge in power during the Vietnam War who proceeded to murder one third of the country.
– In Iran, the US regime together with its lackey Britain, overthrew the democratically elected leader Mosaddeq in 1953 – the first such Middle Eastern Muslim leader because he threatened the oil interest of the British.
– In Africa, the US regime collaborated with the Congo military and murdered the country’s democratic leader Patrice Lumumba with utter brutality. His remains were chemically destroyed.
– In South Africa, the US supported the apartheid regime and put Nelson Mandela on its terrorist lists until 2013, the year of his death. Nelson Mandela was on the US terrorist list when he was serving as the internationally recognized elected president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. Then in 2024, the US regime was audacious enough to condemn a democratic South Africa for having accused apartheid Israel of genocide before the International Court of Justice.
– In Italy, through covert operation Project Gladio, the US and NATO created fake terrorist organizations such as the Red Brigades to launch false flag bombing operations on civilians which were then blamed on the Italian communists to prevent their electoral success.
– In Israel, the US regime has been the most loyal and fervent supporter of a genocidal apartheid terror state. It not only provides diplomatic cover but guns and bombs to enable the Zionists’ repeated perennial criminal genocide campaigns against native Palestinians.
– After the cold war, the US regime continues its regime change operations to install proxies and client states across Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East through CIA-cutouts like the National Endowment for Democracy, Jewish billionaire financed sabotage NGOs like the Open Society, etc.
We are still living with the consequences of these criminal operations today. The Russian Ukraine war and the Israeli genocide in Palestine may yet spread and escalate.
– The US regime has been so prolific in its regime changes, election interferences, and color revolutions that it also enjoys its own 10,000-word Wikipedia entry termed United States Involvement in Regime Change.
One such operation was the 1996 election meddling in Russia to help its lackey Boris Yelsin to defeat the Russian communist party.
While people say what’s good for the goose is good for the gender, that obviously doesn’t apply to the US. The US regime made up a fake Russian meddling story to generate Russophobia and discredit its own President Donald Trump.
The outrage of the US regime about a false flag interference against itself stands in sharp contrast to its indifference of its own very real meddling of Russian elections.
– In Ukraine, the US regime is supporting an unelected regime full of neo-Nazis
– In addition to installing and supporting these reactionary governments, the US regime, together with Israeli Zionists, created terrorist groups to destabilize the geopolitically important West Asia/Middle Eastern region.
These terrorist organizations have evolved from the Mujaheddin to Al Qaeda to ISIS to HTS. They may sport different brands, but the essence remains – these terrorist organizations are the Muslim legions of the US and Israel. Their mission is to overthrow governments unfriendly to Israel and destabilize the region.
Ironically, the HTS rebranding by western mainstream media after Syria’s fall last month is going so far as to call the former ISIS head choppers “constrained jihadists”. Clearly the US and Israeli regimes badly need a euphemism for the terrorists in their employ. And they are totally blind to the dark humour.
Of course, the fake $10 million reward for arrest for al-Jawlani is conveniently dropped. Meanwhile the US regime upped its arrest award of elected Venezuela President Maduro to $25 million.
Given its historical record of association and alliance with some of the most reactionary governments and organizations in the world, do you actually think the US regime cares about what kind of government is in China?
Do you honestly think the average American citizen care whether China is ruled by an emperor, a military dictator, a capitalist liberal, the communist party, or someone from Mars?
Speaking only for myself, I would NOT give a flying f**k whether the US is ruled by a flaming liberal racial minority and woke LGBTQ or an aging orange-haired illiterate hillbilly who thinks he is a stable genius and god’s bigly gift or a faux libertarian narcissistic oligarch billionaire. In any case, I would leave the US alone and won’t touch it with a ten-foot pole.
Why would an average American be any different when it comes to China?
Don’t they have something better to worry about like their 2nd or 3rd gig job, next month’s rent, insurance denial from United Healthcare, or Kim Kardashian’s ass?
I don’t think the US regime’s problem with China is about communism or ideology or the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). If CCP stands for China Civilization Party, China Confucius Party, China Conservative Party, or even China Capitalist Party, the US wouldn’t deal with China any differently. If China was ruled by Trump or Biden’s ideological twins, the US wouldn’t deal with China any differently.
So, the new cold war the US regime has launched is not against the CCP, but against the Chinese nation and the Chinese people. And its goal is to stop and rollback China’s development and sovereignty.
The US China conflict has nothing to do with high-minded isms. It has everything to do with power – economic, military, diplomatic, and cultural power.
Simply put, the US regime subscribes to the mafia law and considers itself as a mafia don in a world order it wants to organize as a criminal gang, much like its domestic order today mirrors organized crime.
Just like Tony Soprano cannot have anyone challenge him in the gang, as the reigning hegemon the US regime cannot have any country challenge its dominant power position.
It does not matter who the challenger is – it happens to be China now but if France or Russia or Japan or India or Canada or Sudan had the potential to surpass US powers, the US regime will not hesitate for a minute to contain and roll back these countries, friends or foes they may be now.
The west talks about the rise of China to challenge the world order. For China, this is simply the return of China to the position it enjoyed for two millennium.
China was united as one centralized political entity in 221 BCE, a full 200 years before the Roman Empire. China is the longest continuous civilization and nation state in the world. It has been the richest economy in the world for 2300 out of the last 2500 years. There is no “rise” of China, only the normalization of a short but painful aberration suffered at the hands of better-armed colonizers.
The west doesn’t have superior values or morals. It has superior organized violence. And now that superiority is no more.
Back to China US competition, China poses no rational national security threats to the US. The US is the safest country in the world with two vast oceans and “51st state” Canada and “God is too far, and the US is too close” Mexico as neighbors. It has the world’s largest stockpile of nukes and biggest military budget and the most heavily armed populace on the planet.
China doesn’t patrol its shores with some cooked-up “freedom of navigation” excuse in the Gulf of Mexico. China doesn’t surround the US with 300+ military bases around its border. China doesn’t organize multinational naval drills close to San Francisco or Hawaii. The US regime does all the above to China.
China is also no threat to US prosperity as it is naturally well endowed and can print fiat money to get other people’s goods and services for nothing. The US regime itself is trying hard to free the rest of the world from dependency on US dollar and US financial systems by weaponizing both. Predatory US foreign policy and trade policy is a far bigger threat to its prosperity than China.
China doesn’t even threat the US leading role in world economy and politics as the US has a large population, massive accumulated wealth, military bases around the world, vassal states everywhere, Hollywood, and English as the world language.
But…the US regime cannot just be the first among equals. When a country wants to dominate the others, it cannot have peers. Like a mafia don, it can only have subordinates – either willing sycophants or adversaries you can bully. A multipolar world can accommodate the US, but the US cannot accommodate a multipolar world.
The US regime likes to say China is the only country with the intent and capability to challenge the so-called “rule-based international order”, aka US hegemony over others. I would say that intent matters not a bit – everything is about China’s having the capability or potentially having the capability to surpass US power.
China has shown no intent in any of its leadership’s pronouncements or in the party’s social contract with its population to replace the US role and become the world hegemon.
After all, what benefits have accrued to the average American citizen from being the world’s policeman and top bully? Why would China want to follow the steps of a failed ideology of world domination?
It is the US that wants to spread its universalist woke neoliberal “values” and ideology, not China. China cannot care less about your gender choices, freedom to bear firearms, recreational drug use, pro-life pro-choice debate, open border policy, shareholder capitalism, or your fake DEI ideals.
However, China’s lack of intent matters not a bit to the US regime because China does possess the capability or potential capability to surpass its powers. And that is a cardinal sin.
Since China will not hold back its development like Japan’s self-castration with the Plaza Accord and the US regime will not give up its imperial design for world domination, a conflict is inevitable. This is also true with Russia, Iran, North Korea or any other countries who do not want to be subjugated.
There is no room to compromise and a kinetic war is likely to break out in the next few years between China and the US. Or one of them may implode first as the USSR.
My bet is the US regime would be the next USSR from the weight of its internal contradictions – wealth disparity, political polarization, racial religious conflicts, distrust of government, collapse of social order, and the karma of accumulated sins.
What purpose does the dishonest narrative serve?
I have shown the US regime’s true motivation to confront China can be easily interpreted if one understands its world views and its historical track records. Then what purpose does the dishonest narrative about confronting CCP serve?
Is it to make the Chinese people feel the US hostility is exclusively towards the CCP instead of the Chinese nation? Is it to make the Chinese people to support the government less in the coming conflict?
I have yet to see any signs that any Chinese, except the few brainwashed western sycophants, who believe the narrative. I doubt the US regime itself has any delusion the child play would trick the Chinese against their own government and their own interests. The Chinese is not known to be stupid.
Is it targeted towards the US and other western populations? For what end?
This is the real goal of the fake narrative, just like the so-called unprovoked Russian aggression against Ukraine. The fake narrative against CCP serves three objectives –
– It is a dog whistle to the far right. The US is a society that has been moving to the right of the political spectrum for decades. It is reaching the point of a neo-Nazi revival. To the far right, anti-communism, real or imagined, is a mantra and truism. To the far right, the fake narrative is a mobilization call.
– The US regime wants to close any rational public discourse about its brinkmanship to bring the world to a possible nuclear exchange. Any balanced and logical discourse will expose that the root cause of US China conflict is the US regime’s intent to dominate the world and suppress China’s development. China’s form of government and Chinese intent is not a root cause. They are irrelevant to the US calculation.
– The US regime needs a fake story to gaslight its own citizens. Ultimately the price of the conflict will be paid by the population. Much like the fake narrative about the Russian Ukraine war whose price is being paid by the Europeans, the coming US China war – cold or hot – will be paid by the Americans. The fake narrative is a psyops to prepare the population for the sacrifices and sufferings they are expected to bear for no good reason.
Ultimately, the narrative is a fig leaf that covers an unspeakable truth. Just like the lies about JFK assassination, 911 false flag, Saddam’s weapon of mass destruction, the false narrative is not to fool everyone (because it is full of easily exposed lies) but to fool the unthinking mass.
But it is useful as a fig leaf. After all, it is slightly distasteful to say you are going to wage a war to dominate the world. Hitler tried that and it didn’t go well. People may not be so willing to sacrifice or even die for such a cause. Defending democracy sounds eminently better than defending hegemonic imperialism or neocolonial aspirations.
It also is politically insensitive to say outright that you cannot tolerate a non-white race to be the world’s leading power. Racism needs some sugar coating.
Cloaking all this under a “democracy vs authoritarianism” cover story makes swallowing the dog shit easier.
But who knows, maybe Trump will just come in and tell it as it is…