Saturday, January 25, 2025

"…And the Lord gave Abraham the land of Elon Moreh…" by José Goulão


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…And the Lord gave Abraham the land of Elon Moreh…

José Goulão
    January 25, 2025

In the case of Elon Moreh we find all the fallacious condiments that feed the writing of current planetary history according to the Western slogans.

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I’m going to tell you the story of Elon Moreh.

Almost everyone who reads this unusual and apparently unreasonable decision in threatening times and in which, for those who have their feet on the ground and have not given up the antidotes against brain intoxication, the only decent New Year’s wish is that the planet is not a huge cemetery before the entry of 2026, will have the right to wonder what is going through the narrator’s mind.

Rest assured; you will see that in the end everything will make sense. A repugnant, frightening sense, which is nothing new today, proving that, often, small examples are the most explicit instruments of broad and globalizing situations that illustrate the ethical, civilizational and human decadence to which our ruling cliques have reached, eager to universalize the accelerated mental decomposition that affects them.

Elon Moreh is a Zionist settlement in the north of the occupied West Bank, a few kilometres from the historic and important Palestinian city of Nablus, which the mythological delusions of European Zionist settlers in search of the “promised land” in the lines and between the lines of dogmas as sacred as they are fictional designate Shechem.

In the warlike and objectively terrorist universe of the settlements created illegally, and with military support, throughout the Palestinian West Bank, in whose territory, according to international law consolidated since 1948, most of the area of the Palestinian State to be created must be demarcated, about 700 thousand Zionist settlers live, many of them — a taboo subject — without any ancestral ethnic ties to Palestine. This horde dominated by fanatical groups with vocations of criminalist constitutes an immense riot militia ready to participate, without regard to any means, in the expulsion or even extermination of the populations that have lived in these territories since the dawn of time. Not excluding the possibility of involvement in a civil war if the extremist faction, the so-called revisionist Zionism, which holds power in Israel, is seriously threatened.

“And the Lord said to Abraham…”

Elon Moreh is one of these settlements. Not the biggest, not the most important, not the most strategic, but a kind of pioneer, an altar recommended “by the Lord”, an untouchable precedent for the widespread Zionist lawlessness that raged in occupied Palestine after the 1967 war. An oppressive movement of ethnic cleansing that — we perceive it daily — does not look at means and has as its ultimate goal the transformation of all historic Palestine into an entity called the State of Israel, antechamber of Greater Israel — the Zionist, Western and imperial colonization of the territories from the Nile to the Euphrates cowardly based on the beliefs and beliefs associated with the norms of the Pentateuch, the five main books of the Old Testament and the Hebrew Torah.

In the case of Elon Moreh we find all the fallacious condiments that feed the writing of current planetary history according to the only Western slogans, those of the “rules-based international order”, in this case those that are fulfilled by resorting to the use and abuse of the “Israel” instrument, an artifice invented by European/British colonialism and U.S. imperialism for geostrategic control of the Middle East and corresponding natural resources.

When you are tried to convince yourself that the “green economy” means the dispensation of fossil fuels and even minerals such as uranium — but be careful, nuclear energy has already become “green” — you do not need to hide your laughter, or even your laughter, because anecdotes are circulating with much less sense of humour. The Middle East and its sources of fossil fuels — as we can now see with absolute clarity in Syria — generate as much ambition and strategies of domination as before, as always since the industrial revolution, so the only semblance of a fight in defense of the environment and against climate change is the one waged by the zealous papalvos in the separation of household waste and the use of recycled materials — a new and lucrative industry for some, always the same — with zero impact on stopping the path to the environmental abyss. As for wind and photovoltaic alternatives, as soon as serious and unmanipulated calculations are made after periods that allow objective conclusions, the failure of propaganda and lying strategies will be in plain sight if the censorship of the single opinion does not manage to completely hide it. All this is to say that wars for domination and control of the Middle East are as indispensable to capitalist and imperial savagery as they have ever been. The Zionist regime plays a pivotal role in this task and, because of this, can resort unchecked to the greatest atrocities in modern history, ethnic cleansing and genocide included.

“There will be many more Elon Morehs”

Let us not, however, deviate from Elon Moreh as a pioneering example of the recourse to the criminal and outlaw colonizing doctrine of Zionism as a weapon of Western expansionism. For some reason, Menahem Begin, a terrorist with a Mussolinian fascist background who later became Prime Minister of Israel, declared, in the performance of these functions, that “since the concept of law took root in the human race, there has been no more lawful act than Jewish colonization in all parts of the Jewish homeland; so there will be many more Elon Morehs.” Without reason for surprise, the prophecy did not fail and continues to be fulfilled at an ever-increasing speed and causing rivers of human blood to flow.

It was the year 1979 when half a dozen families claiming to be ” Orthodox Jews ” from various parts of the world, mainly from the United States of America, decided to settle in Palestinian lands in the north of the West Bank kidnapped from their owners for ” military reasons ” in the area of the village of Bureij.

The Zionist assailants corresponded to the strategy outlined by the terrorist group Gush Emunim, the “Faith Bloc”, created in 1974 on the basis of two premises: God “intends that the Jews live in the land of Israel”; and progressively annexing the territories occupied in 1967 — Gaza, East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights (Syria), the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt) and the West Bank — to guarantee the “viability” of Israel’s defense, which since its foundation in 1948 had been only ten kilometres wide in the narrowest sector of the territory. In 50 years, colonization has become overwhelming and has now reached scandalous numbers, while billions of dollars continue to rain down from the United States, the World Zionist Organization and Israeli government ministries. And also, of the European Union and its member states, through agreements, trades, exchanges, cooperation and trade that are all the more intense as the exterminating Zionist barbarism becomes.

There are currently 700,000 settlers living in the occupied Palestinian territories, about 10% of the Israeli population; there are 150 settlements and 128 outposts, that is, settlements in the process of being legalized by the government; 40% of the territory of the West Bank is controlled by settlements; 26% of the West Bank is “state land”, a concept that twists ancient Ottoman and Jordanian codes to make it possible to steal private Palestinian property for settlements, roads that serve only these structures, as well as parks, sports facilities, swimming pools and other facilities at the exclusive service of the settlers.

The 700,000 settlers consume six times more water, a precious resource, than the 3.1 million Palestinians; In addition, Arab peasants have consumption limits assessed by meters mounted on their wells and are subject to ruinous fines if they exceed them.

The apparatus of colonization of the occupied territories became central to the Zionist system of power. The ministers of finance and security, the supporters of ethnic cleansing Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir, are settlers, as is the chief of staff of the armed forces, Major General Herzi Halevi and numerous military commanders. Uri Ariel, one of the founders of the Gush Emunim movement, only left his post as Minister of Construction, Agriculture and Rural Development in 2019, which he held for many years.

In the middle of last year, the persistent and everlasting criminal Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu passed legislation that reduces to a minimum the bureaucratic process for building new settlements and more residences within the existing ones; and he tasked the Minister of Finance, the genocidal settler Bezalel Smotrich, with enforcing it.

Before that, in 2017, Netanyahu had created a government cabinet aimed solely at speeding up the legalization of the outposts, which multiplied like mushrooms, turning them into settlements. To head this department, the prime minister appointed Pinchas Wallenstein, precisely one of the founders of the terrorist and annexationist movement Gush Emunim.

“To your descendants I will give these lands…”

Elon Moreh is one of these 150 settlements, not the largest but the oldest, and to which an ultranationalist symbology in the field of the transcendent has been attributed, considered indispensable for the “survival” of Israel. It is located in the mountains of Samaria, using the biblical topography that continues to be used by Zionism in its parallel world, precisely in the place where, according to the fictions of the Old Testament, the patriarch Abraham first settled in the “promised land” where “milk and honey flow” were supposed to flow. There he settled after crossing the Jordan River on his journey from your, in Chaldea, in southern Mesopotamia, where he was from. The Lord had appeared to him, as a reward for his virtues against an idolatrous and degrading world, and advised him to make the journey, when he was no longer a child, at the age of 75 of his alleged 175 years of life; and he appeared again to him in this very place, in the vicinity of Shechem, alias Nablus, in the West Bank, next to the Moreh oak, ordering him to install an altar there in his honour. There is no memory of the existence of oak trees in the region, but the catalog of miracles in the Bible is endless — this being perfectly irrelevant.

The Pentateuch, in the book of Genesis (12:7), assures us that at that time the Lord said to Abraham: “To your descendants I will give this land”. And just in case, foreseeing possible claims in the distant future, Isaac, grandson of the Patriarch, “bought land near Elon Moreh and Shechem” — Genesis 33:19.

There cannot, therefore, be any reservations about the legitimacy of Elon Moreh’s settlement, whatever international law says: not only did the Lord offer it to Abraham, but his grandson insisted on buying it. Everything is in order. More than three thousand years ago, it was the Canaanites who had been there improperly since the Bronze Age; now the intruders are the Palestinians, certainly from times before Jesus Christ.

The initial place where the 17 settler families from outside Palestine settled, and possibly without any ethnic link to the region, was the village of Bureij, but pragmatic and prosaic reasons then associated with the logistics of the military occupation determined the transfer to Elon Moreh, four kilometres away.

As has been said, when Abraham arrived at the place, the Canaanites had already lived there for many centuries. The situation did not pose any problem to the Patriarch. The Canaanites descended from Ham, the cursed son of Noah and whose descendants had been condemned for ten generations to be slaves to the descendants of his brother Shem, the elect son of Noah and Abraham’s direct ancestor.

The Bible explains to us that Ham’s sin was to have allowed his son Canaan to see his grandfather Noah naked while sewing a drunken bout, an embarrassing invasion of privacy unforgivable forever and ever.

“Here Israel was born!”

When in 1979 the pioneers supported by Gush Emunim decided to settle in Elon Moreh, receiving a million dollars and logistical support from the Zionist government, the region was inhabited, for many, many centuries, by Palestinian communities, which Zionism treats as descendants of the cursed Canaanites; but the armed forces and the “state land” laws drawn up by the Tel Aviv government, twisting old Ottoman and Jordanian codes, “cleared” the ground. In the first phase, in 1979, they ’deannexed’, i.e. they stole 69.3 hectares of land from the inhabitants of the Palestinian village of Deir el-Hatab and 63.9 hectares from the village of Azmut; and in 1995 they reduced the village of Saliem to a tiny species to build a road serving Elon Moreh and the neighbouring settlement of Itamar, which had finally been built on the village of Bureij, which has since been eliminated from the map. An exclusive road for Zionist settlers, in the perfect style of the times of the apartheid regime in South Africa. Palestinians are not even allowed to cross this road on foot.

“Here Israel was born”, Elon Moreh’s settlement is presented to the world. And the tourist advertisement promises: “Come to the best place to see the sun rise over the mountains of Samaria!” The Jerusalem Post reads: “Giving up Elon Moreh is like giving up the Temple Mount”, that is, giving up the construction of the new Temple on the site where the Al-Aqsa and the Rock mosques now stand, the religious Zionist dream in Palestine, one of several possible fuses in a world-wide war.

The United Nations Agency for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) carried out a study according to which Elon Moreh’s territorial authority — that is, the territories and structures closed to Palestinians — exceeds the official municipal limits of 1550 hectares by eight times; and that 63% of the area where the settlement is located covers land that is privately owned by Palestinian families — from whom it has therefore been summarily stolen.

In Elon Moreh live just over two thousand people, whose links to historic Palestine are more than doubtful, with a very high level of quality of life where there is no lack of schools, well-equipped health centres, excellent housing conditions, leisure areas, sports and swimming pools.

In the amputated Palestinian villages of Azmut, Bureij, Saliem and Deir El-Hatab live about 15,000 people with enormous water restrictions imposed by the Zionist public company Mekorot, excellently related to Portugal, which makes arbitrary supply cuts, inspects the means of supply to the populations and restricts their use by invoking the most absurd pretexts.

Combining situations of this type with the permanent assaults by Elon Moreh’s terrorists against the vineyards and olive trees of the inhabitants of the villages, their only means of subsistence, it is easy to deduce that there is a permanent strategy of attrition, impoverishment and hunger for the Palestinian populations to give up and follow the path of exile to which millions of their compatriots have been and are condemned. for almost 80 years, in the face of a blind, inert “international community” that invokes the laws as, quoting Eça, Father Amaro “enraged” the Hail Marys.

There is also, as a system, a permanent strategy of Zionist terror.

I visited the village of Saliem in 1988, sometime before the theft of a large area of its territory for the construction of a road inaccessible to Palestinians. The inhabitants were still traumatized, in collective panic after the commander of an occupation military garrison ordered four teenagers from the village to be buried alive under layers of earth moved by a military bulldozer. The officer had previously ordered the machine operator to step over the young men, but he had the courage to refuse, despite the anger of his superior. When the young people were rescued, they were unconscious and two of them had to be hospitalized.

Inhabitants of Elon Moreh’s settlement had been invited to witness the events. Some applauded and exclaimed: “Beautiful spectacle”.

“This is where Israel was born”, it is said of the settlement of Elon Moreh, whose history I leave you here. And all this is part of the normality of today’s world.
