Tuesday, May 28, 2024

"Nearly 9,000 Palestinians detained in West Bank since 7 October"


Nearly 9,000 Palestinians detained in West Bank since 7 October

The Israeli army arrested around 20 Palestinian citizens across the occupied West Bank from 25 to 26 May

MAY 27, 2024

(Photo Credit: AP)

The Israeli army arrested around 20 Palestinians from 25 to 26 May, bringing the total number of arrests in the occupied West Bank since 7 October to over 8,875.

The Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners Club jointly issued a statement, revealing that the total arrests since 7 October have surpassed 8,875.

According to the Palestinian news agency WAFA, the arrests over the weekend took place across several areas in the West Bank, including Jenin, Bethlehem, Hebron, Nablus, Ramallah, and Jerusalem.

During the arrest campaign, Israeli settlers, accompanied by police, entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied Jerusalem on the morning of 26 May. Local reports also indicate that the arrest raids caused widespread destruction of property.

The reports added that local enforcement was stationed at the gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque and prevented tens of worshippers from entering.

Additionally, Israeli forces distributed demolition notices on the same day for commercial shops along the road connecting the Jaba and Qalandia military checkpoints, situated north of occupied Jerusalem, and for a bridge linking the towns of Jaba and Al-Ram.

Simultaneously with the conflict in Gaza, Israeli settlers have increased their assaults on Palestinians in the West Bank. The Israeli military has also heightened its operations in the occupied West Bank, leading to 518 deaths, 5,000 injuries, and numerous arrests.

Earlier this month, in a similar incident, the Israeli military detained 25 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, killing six civilians in the process.

According to a local statement, the Israeli forces physically assaulted and mistreated Palestinians, as well as damaging their property.

Detention drives are often marked by increasing incidents of mistreatment, physical assaults, and intimidation directed at the detainees and their families. This encompasses the demolition of residences along with the seizure of vehicles, funds, and valuables like jewelry.

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