Thursday, May 23, 2024

"My conversation with Jay Bhattacharya" by CJ Hopkins


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So, I had a long conversation with Jay Bhattacharya recently, about my prosecution for thoughtcrime Tweets, and the roll-out of the new global censorship apparatus, and all that kind of stuff. I went into some of the details of how the system works in Germany, and we talked about the role corporations like Twitter/X, Facebook, Google, YouTube, etc., play in that system. (Please note the “advisory” that YouTube has pasted onto the video in the image above.)

That system — i.e., that global censorship apparatus — is still very much in operation, despite concerted efforts to convince us otherwise. In fact, it is just getting started. If you value freedom of speech and the press, and your other democratic rights, and you are not yet paying close attention to the crackdown on dissent that is being rolled out throughout the Western world … well, you should be.

I assume you are familiar with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, and one of the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration. Jay, along with his Great Barrington co-authors (Martin Kulldorff, a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, until he was fired for refusing to submit to COVID “vaccination,” and Sunetra Gupta, a Professor of Epidemiology at Oxford University), were demonized by the corporate media, government officials, and public health “authorities” for refusing to conform to the official COVID narrative in the early days of the roll-out of the New Normal. Jay was denounced as “a fringe epidemiologist,” and was censored by Twitter, and other corporate entities. His blacklisting was featured in the early “Twitter Files” reporting.

I have a lot of respect for Jay. It’s one thing to speak out and oppose an overwhelming force like the roll-out of the New Normal when you’re a literary outlaw like me, but it is a whole other thing to do that when you’re a professor at Stanford University. Also, on a personal note, the way this interview came about was, I snarked at Jay on Twitter about Musk — Jay mentioned his support of a Canadian dissident, and I have taken to snarking at prominent personages praising Musk for his “free-speech heroics” — and, instead of snarking back, Jay invited me onto his show.

It was an absolute pleasure talking to him.

The video is here on The Illusion of Consensus, the podcast Jay runs with Rav Arora. I think they just rebooted it recently. If you have a moment to help spread the word, I’m sure Jay and Rav will appreciate it. They’ve got some interesting guests lined up. No, I am not a fan of all of them, but a lot of other people are, so please spare me the replies accusing me of “shilling” for Jordan Peterson, or whatever.

OK, that’s it. I hope you enjoy the interview. If you do, I hope you will share it widely. What happened during 2020 to 2023 — what I have been calling The Rise of the New Normal Reich — is what delivered us to where we are today, and it is being memory-holed in classic Orwellian fashion. Some of us are trying to stop that from happening, or at least marginally interfere with the process.

Thanks to all of you who are doing likewise!

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