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Source: Strategic Culture Foundation
Biden’s $61 billion and Kiev’s conscription crackdown… Ukrainians are fleeing the NATO bloodbath, not Russia
Source: Strategic Culture Foundation
Biden’s $61 billion and Kiev’s conscription crackdown… Ukrainians are fleeing the NATO bloodbath, not Russia
Ukrainians aren’t fleeing from Russian aggression. They are fleeing the horrible parasitic Ukrainian regime and the bloodbath that NATO has unleashed.
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This week saw U.S. President Joe Biden proclaiming the Congressional passing of $61 billion in additional military aid to Ukraine as “a good day for world peace”. Biden’s exaltation is ghoulish. The obscenity is that more Ukrainians will be sacrificed for Western imperialism and its brutal NeoNazi regime in Kiev.
The clueless, cynical Western media narrative is that a freedom-loving democratic Ukraine is bravely fighting against Russian aggression. Ukrainian men are, according to this fairytale, courageously battling to defend their country and to save the rest of Europe from Russian invasion.
That’s why the United States Congress this week passed a bill to send $61 billion in more military aid to Ukraine. President Biden had been desperately appealing to Congress to take a stand with Ukraine to defeat Russian aggression. America’s NATO allies have likewise reiterated the same nonsense mantra.
Most people who live outside the echo chamber of Western media know this depiction is total baloney, to use one of Biden’s favorite catchphrases.
The conflict in Ukraine is a U.S.-led NATO proxy war to strategically defeat Russia. The grand scheme got going after the CIA-sponsored coup in Kiev in 2014. The Kiev regime, fronted by a conman Jewish puppet president Vladimir Zelensky, is a NeoNazi dictatorship. It’s a corrupt junta where the elite like Zelensky have siphoned off billions of dollars and euros donated by Western governments courtesy of their unwitting taxpayers.
This week we saw proof of the Kiev rump reich in action when it announced that it would cut off consular services to all Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 who are currently residing abroad.
It is estimated that since the conflict escalated in Ukraine in February 2022 nearly five million Ukrainian citizens fled to European Union states. Of these, about 20 percent – one million – are adult males.
The cutting off of consular services to any citizen by its government is an unprecedented drastic action. That alone should alert observers that the “government” in question is far from normal. Laughably, the Western media reported the banishing of consular services by the Zelensky regime as if it were somehow banal. In other words, they conveniently covered up for what is a disgraceful violation of international norms.
The reason for the Ukrainian embassies’ taking such action is to force Ukrainian males abroad to declare their details and register for a new conscription drive by the Kiev regime.
Zelensky’s regime earlier this month passed into law much tougher mobilization powers to dragoon Ukrainian men into the armed services.
The new law is deeply unpopular among Ukrainian people for sound reasons. They are being sent to the frontline to be slaughtered by vastly superior Russian forces in a futile war for the NATO side.
It is estimated that 500,000 to 600,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in more than two years of fighting. Millions more have been wounded and maimed. A whole generation of Ukrainian men has been destroyed at a rate that is on par with World War One-type carnage.
According to the United Nations, the civilian death toll from the conflict is around 10,000. All deaths are regrettable, but the relatively low number of collateral casualties is a testament to Russia’s efforts to avoid civilian targets. One may question, therefore, why millions of Ukrainians jumped in their cars and 4x4s to take up residence in Europe if they weren’t being targeted by Russian forces. It is also notable that most Ukrainians have gone to seek safety in Russia more than any other country in Europe. So much for Russia being an evil aggressor.
Zelensky and his NATO puppet regime make the preposterous claim that the Ukrainian military death toll is around 31,000. Of course, the real, 16-fold higher figure must be denied otherwise the Western propaganda would be shamed for the bloodbath that NATO and its regime have instigated.
If for argument’s sake, the impossibly lower figure could be believed, then the question is why is the Kiev regime so desperate to launch its recent draconian conscription. Zelensky has talked about the need to recruit up to 500,000 new soldiers. This is an implicit admission that the higher death toll of 500,000 to 600,000 is indeed accurate if such many replacements must be found.
When the Kiev regime announced its new recruitment drive earlier this month, it was followed immediately by a rush of Ukrainians to embassies across Europe to renew their documents such as passports and driving permits. The rush was because they did not want to have to return to Ukraine to renew their documents otherwise they would be subjected to forcible conscription.
Already, there are myriad reports and videos (not covered by Western media to be sure) of Ukrainian males being snatched off the streets by Kiev regime thugs for military service. Many others have gone into hiding within the country. There have been scandals about Ukrainian families being extorted by recruitment officers for thousands of dollars to spare fathers and sons. Thousands of others have risked their lives by trying to swim across rivers to neighboring countries.
It is a measure of how vindictive and callous the Kiev regime is that it is taking the extreme measure of now denying consular services to its male citizens abroad. The objective is to flush out up to one million recruits for the killing fields along the 1,000-kilometer frontline with Russia in the east of the country.
Here’s where the Western propaganda story becomes absurd. To avoid being dragged back to Ukraine, many of those living abroad are expected to renounce citizenship. If they do not have valid passports and cannot renew their documents they become stateless and illegal. That means hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians will by necessity have to claim political asylum in European Union states. In short, their predicament is that they cannot return to their home country out of fear of persecution.
How ridiculous is that? The United States and its European vassals have donated up to $300 billion in public money to prop up a regime whose own citizens are fleeing in fear.
The latest splurge of $61 billion by the United States will not help Ukraine win the NATO-orchestrated proxy war against Russia. The largesse will merely prolong the agony of Ukraine and prop up the corrupt NeoNazi regime. Already, up to half a million Ukrainian soldiers have been slaughtered in a futile criminal war for Western imperialist interests. Many independent military analysts agree that the critical shortage is Ukrainian manpower.
Zelensky and his henchmen are trying to squeeze more bodies into the abattoir. Washington and the European minions are feeding the military profiteering killing machine in tandem with the Kiev regime’s manhunt for new cannon fodder.
It’s heinous and diabolical. It’s also shockingly flagrant – unless that is, you rely on Western media for your “information”.
The truth is the Western public is supporting a regime that even its citizens are cowering in fear of. It’s a double whammy. The West is subsidizing a regime that is needlessly killing its people instead of engaging in peaceful diplomacy with Russia to end this war.
And millions of Ukrainians are living in European countries rent-free placing huge strains on housing and services for European citizens. All because Uncle Sam and European lapdogs are pushing a criminal proxy war.
Ukrainians aren’t fleeing from Russian aggression. They are fleeing the horrible parasitic Ukrainian regime and the bloodbath that NATO has unleashed.
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