Sunday, March 31, 2024

"Biden Admin Deliberately Provokes Christians on Easter Sunday" by Sasha Stone

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Biden Admin Deliberately Provokes Christians on Easter Sunday

And at the same time, pretends it's just a coincidence...


Joe Biden’s support among young voters is sinking fast. There’s that messy war in Gaza. He’s too old to connect with them in any way. He’ll need more than fancy fundraisers with Bill and Barack to win them over. No, he needs something much more controversial that the kids on social media can use to virtue signal.

And there it was, Transgender Day of Visibility, which always falls on March 31. Biden could have made it official any time in the past four years, yet he chose this day because it collides with Easter Sunday.

Never let a crisis go to waste!

At least this year there aren’t topless TikTok influencers at the White House.

As a former Democrat, it was easy for me to see the strategy. Provoke the Right, get all of the self-important narcissists on social media to harumph and huff and puff, and just like that, you’ve rallied the base. Political viagra for a dying campaign. It’s just so cynical. So cruel.

The reaction is the action. As James Lindsay says:

I have nothing against transgender adults who choose to present as the opposite sex. If that is what they want to do, that’s their business. But what the Democrats have done now goes way beyond that. It is now becoming a religion of sorts, and no one on the Left or in the Democratic Party is protecting kids from this madness.

America is way behind the UK and Sweden where Gender Affirming Care is concerned. Here, they have yet to put on the brakes. Activism is too strong and too purvasive. When it has reached all the way up to the President of the United States and the White House — that is when we have to conclude that there is no saving the Left. There is only saving the country, and its children, from them.

As I’ve said before, the Christians were on the right side of history during slavery and they’re on the right side of history now. Going to war on them, as the Biden administration is doing, just means that the Democrats will own every terrible thing that comes next. All of the lawsuits. All of the documentaries. All of the memoirs. Do not let them slime their way out of it. They had all of the information they needed to protect kids and they refused.

Children growing up in America now have no way out. They are encouraged to head down this path and only the strongest of parents can stop them. Everywhere they look, they see the same messaging, that there is something wrong with being straight or heterosexual or white. Since they can’t un-white themselves, all they can change is their gender. If they change that, suddenly, they are in one of the sacred, protected groups and are celebrated on a day like today.

The Pride flag flies for an entire month at public elementary schools. Here are the rest of the dates for the LGBTQIA+ community.

For a community that is supposedly 1-5% of the population, that seems to be over-represented. But once you understand that this is the only way white people can be part of the social justice revolution it’s a little easier to understand. They make the tent as wide as possible so anyone can belong.

The Democrats like the culture war because they believe it brings more young voters to their side to draw this distinction. They can’t draw it without a loud dust-up in the media. Yet, by now I wonder - is this going to backfire?

Here is Gretchen Whitmer:

For Easter, she puts out a simple tweet, no video:

Kamala Harris:

And a very small tweet for Easter:

The White House makes it a little more equal:

And the dissenting views:

There doesn’t seem to be any way out except to elect Republicans to, at the very least, separate this ideology from government, and from public schools. And again, if this ideology was not directly harming women, girls and boys I would not care. You do you. But that isn’t what’s happening.

Children’s programming, books, and movies are now required to be “inclusive” so that everyone must accept their cult-like mandate that children choose their own genders and that they’ll kill themselves if they aren’t allowed to take puberty blockers and head toward sterilization.

They grow up with this madness being shoved down their throats and very few people who have the courage to stand up and say STEP OFF YOU CULTISH FREAKS. Not on my watch. No, instead we have compliant, mealy-mouthed cowards who are too afraid of being called transphobic and having their careers ruined.

Billboard Chris is out there every single day fighting for kids. And God bless him.

We need an army of Billboard Chris’s. We don’t have them. So we have to vote the Democrats out. It’s not going to be easy. They have all the power and the money. The one thing they don’t have is the truth. As long as their ideology is rooted in fanaticism and delusion, it will eventually collapse.

What they have coming is entirely of their own making. They have made it impossible for reasonable people to be both accepting and protective. They’ve pushed all of us too far. And now, they’ll have to suffer the consequences.

Anyway, Happy Easter.

"The War of Numbers" by Dan Lieberman

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The War of Numbers

Palestinian numbers do not count

According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), a war by Israelis against the Palestinian population for more than 75 years has become a global war against the Jews.

“The Global War on the Jews, Anti-Semitism surges, even in the West, which shows why Israel exists, by The Editorial Board WSJ, Oct. 30, 2023.

The disturbing fact of the past month is that Jews are under attack not only in Israel and not only by Hamas. The weeks since the barbaric Oct. 7 Hamas invasion of Israel have witnessed physical assaults on Jews the world over, including in the U.S. and Europe. This most modern of pogroms—global, televised, politicized—demonstrates exactly what is at stake as Israel ramps up its defensive war against Hamas in Gaza.

The Islamist group and its Western enablers are pursuing or justifying a genocidal war against Jews, not merely a territorial dispute with Israel. And since Western governments too often seem unable to protect the Jewish minorities in their midst, Israel must defend itself as the only safe home for the Jewish people.

To make the WSJ report official, we have the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Recording a “Dramatic Increase in U.S. Antisemitic Incidents Following Oct. 7 Hamas Massacre.”

ADL recorded a total of 312 anti-Semitic incidents between Oct. 7-23, 2023, 190 of which were directly linked to the war in Israel and Gaza.

When conflict erupts in Israel, antisemitic incidents soon follow in the U.S. and globally,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO. “From white supremacists in California displaying antisemitic banners on highway overpasses to radical anti-Zionists harassing Jewish people because of their real or perceived support for the Jewish state, we are witnessing a disturbing rise in antisemitic activity here while the war rages overseas.

Here is a sampling of incidents reported across the country, a few of which are rigorously confirmed:

  • On Oct. 8 in Clifton, NJ: A car with individuals holding Palestinian flags appeared to intentionally swerve out of its lane, nearly hitting a visibly Jewish family.
  • On Oct. 9 in Detroit, MI: A Jewish student was harassed, shoved and called “Fucking Zionist” while painting a free speech rock with an Israeli flag on the campus of Wayne State University.
  • On Oct. 10 in Los Angeles, CA: An individual shouted “I am Hamas” and made death threats to Jewish individuals standing by a Kosher restaurant.
  • On Oct. 12 in Indianapolis, IN: A man carrying an Israeli flag was allegedly assaulted by a pro-Palestinian protestor.
  • On Oct. 15 in New York, NY: An individual allegedly punched a Jewish woman in the face at Grand Central Terminal. When she asked why, he responded: “You are Jewish.”
  • On Oct. 15 in Walnut Creek, CA: White Lives Matter California, a white supremacist group, held a rally on a highway overpass and displayed signs stating: “Save Gaza,” “No More Wars for I$rael” and “Watch Europa the Last Battle.”
  • On Oct. 18 in New York, NY: A group of Israeli individuals were harassed and at least one assaulted by a pro-Palestinian protestor in Times Square.

Tens of Palestinians are murdered and hundreds are wounded each day, whole families slaughtered, 70% of housing destroyed, people forced to wander on meager diets, some starving, hospitals demolished and no place to treat the wounded, and those happening are not important to the WSJ, the ADL, the U.S. government and most of the U.S. media ─ important is that a few Jews (who support the genocide) have been harassed. The latter is the extent of the global war against the Jews, for which WSJ blames Hamas. Is this a valid description of our world from a responsible newspaper or is this a story from The Onion? I cannot believe that America’s foremost financial journal published this article. Next, we might read in the WSJ that “Stage Coaches are the next great growth prospect, expected to overtake Tesla in energy-efficient vehicles.”

Put the incidents into numbers:
The ADL reports 312 incidents (????) of anti-Semitism in the United States, none resulting in death (one death accidentally happened in California when a pro-Israeli demonstrator engaged pro-Palestinian demonstrators) or serious injuries.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said it “received 3,578 complaints during the last three months of 2023, amid what it called ‘an ongoing wave of anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian hate.’ Complaints of employment discrimination led the list with 662 instances; hate crimes and hate incidents were reported 472 times; and education discrimination 448 times.” These complaints are only from the last three months of 2023 and are ten times the charges (???) of anti-Semitism. Included in the  incidents were “a November shooting in Vermont where three students of Palestinian descent were shot and the fatal stabbing of a 6-year-old Palestinian American child in Illinois in October.”

On March 26, the Palestinian Health Ministry cited that “at least 32,414 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip since last October. A ministry statement said that 74,787 other Palestinians have also been injured in the onslaught. Many people are still trapped under rubble and on the roads and rescuers are unable to reach them.” According to the UN, “85% of Gaza’s population is internally displaced with acute shortages of food, clean water, and medicine, while 60% of the enclave’s infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed.”

Wonder if the Jews involved in the global war against the Jews will be willing to exchange places with the Gazans who are out strolling every day in the open air, cooking in rustic fireplaces, camping out in the evenings along the beautiful beaches, and just having a wonderful time.

Ooh, wait a second, could it be a coincidence that the PBS News Hour had an extensive report on the Russian imprisonment of one of Wall Street Journal reporters, Evan Gershkovich, whom they mention as being “the son of Russian Jewish immigrants?” Why the Jewish identification? If Evan was Catholic, would PBS mention his parents were Catholic?

Haven’t seen any PBS programs on Americans detained at Ben Gurion airport, languishing in Israeli prisons, killed by Israeli forces, and reporters killed by Israeli snipers. Two American brothers were detained in Gaza by Israeli forces during February and are being held in Ashkelon prison. A U.S. citizen, Samaher Esmail, who lives in New Orleans, “is being held in detention by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank over alleged ‘incitement on social media.’” Not much coverage of their plights.

While on the topic of how the Zionists influence the worldwide media —internet, newspapers, radio, television, comic books, cinema, theater, magazines, books, educational tools, Quora, Facebook, X, and the Dead Sea Scrolls, permit me to touch on an encounter I had with Senator Joseph Lieberman, my namesake, who recently died.

Joe arranged an evening meeting with his Connecticut constituency, which I was interested in attending to learn how Senators approach their votes and how voters approach their Senators. Among the “voters” were AIPAC representatives who set up a table recruiting for AIPAC. The discussion and questions were a pep rally for Israel, which to Joe’s credit, he toned down. I don’t remember if there was any recruiting for the Israeli Offense Force but if it ran short of manpower, they knew where to go.

Just to show the tentacles of the Zionists, appraise the use of the discussion group Quora for the most insidious and disgusting propaganda. A question that will receive an answer that defames the Palestinians and elevates the Israelis is posed:

Why are there many fancy cars and big houses in Gaza if it is so poor?
An answer is offered.

Good question!
The answer will not be so good: there are many things in Gaza that not every decent European country (for example, Estonia or Lithuania) has, because the whole world supports Gaza in gratitude for terrorism against Israel. To find out the number of holders of Gaza, just look at the list of countries voting pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli declarations and UN resolutions – all these legal entities are holders (pimps) of Gaza. New buildings on the seashore, where the foot of the Israeli military does not set foot, as well as reporters (just in case of information leakage), so all the pictures are from “private collections”! And this is not Israel, this is definitely Gaza – there are no Israeli flags anywhere, but we have them everywhere. Just don’t ask if there are rockets or rocket factories hidden in the basements of these buildings – I don’t know.

When someone comments that Palestinians are well educated, resourceful, and resilient and Israel engages in apartheid, the fangs come out.

Are you a goat enjoying terrorists up your arse, or just a useful idiot repeating whatever you hear? Israel has millions of Israeli Arabs, who are mostly those Palestinians that didn’t move away when Arab league told them to (planning to destroy Israel the next day after its independence was proclaimed). Israeli Arabs are in IDF, media, parliament, court etc. Now, in contrast, how about any Jew in Palestine or any of the surrounding countries? Apartheid much?

I answered the mendacious and crass comment with this authoritative reply and the comment was initially deleted.

Vulgar replies indicate the person knows nothing and therefore reverts to distractions. Almost the entire world and respected agencies cite Israel as an Apartheid state; I guess only you know better. Yes, Israeli Arabs cannot purchase property, cannot get loans, cannot obtain government housing, cannot live to live where they want, and cannot marry a Jew in Israel. Go to Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians and get the scoop. I trust Amnesty before trusting you.

Quora eventually reinstated my comment but does nothing about the myriad of comments from Israel’s supporters that violate platform policy for hate speech, harassment, bullying, and plain nonsense.

German Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, displayed, to an unbelievable extent, the manipulation of minds by a remark she made during her first visit to Israel after Hamas’ October attack. “In these days we are all Israelis,” which means. “We are all genocidal killers.” What relation do contemporary Germans have with World War II happenings and what do those happenings have to do with allowing the genocide of an innocent people? What is she talking about?  Oh, I understand ─ Germans have the GG, the Genocide Gene, and support genocide whenever and wherever.

Almost all news dispatches use the words, “the Jewish state of Israel, and “the terrorist state of Iran.” How do so many news agencies manage to use the same description, and why? The more correct words are, “the terrorist state of Israel,” and “the Islamic state of Iran.”

Inability to counter the Zionist influence in the thought process is the major problem for those who recognize the genocide. Suppression of campus protests against the genocide and replacement of the protests by those favoring the genocide with a fraudulent anti-Semitism demonstrates that the world is callous to the extensive damage done by manipulation of the mindset — fiction replaces reality, cruelty replaces humanity, a few evil dictate over masses of good, corruption replaces dedication, and destruction replacements construction. Israel and its cohorts are leading the world to an abyss. Although there are myriads of well-directed activities and hard-working and dedicated persons, nobody has implemented an effective plan to stop the descent into the inferno and gathered unified forces that react to the alarm and offer hints of salvation.

Nationalist USA permits a foreign nation to control its government.
Free Media USA permits a foreign government to control its media.
Democratic USA together with the United Kingdom, and Germany permits Israel to commit genocide.

The Jewish people permit the new Sicarri to bring them tragedy and they await their ultimate fate.

Dan Lieberman publishes commentaries on foreign policy, economics, and politics at  He is author of the non-fiction books A Third Party Can Succeed in AmericaNot until They Were GoneThink Tanks of DCThe Artistry of a Dog, and a novel: The Victory (under a pen name, David L. McWellan). Read other articles by Dan.

"Israel’s Quest for a Palestinian-free Palestine Continues" by Philip Giraldi

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Israel’s Quest for a Palestinian-free Palestine Continues
US support enables Netanyahu to ignore international pressure

Israel’s plan to expand into an Eretz or “Greater” state incorporating large chunks of its neighbors’ land starts with eliminating the pre-1948 inhabitants of a place once known as Palestine. That nearly all of those who think of themselves as Palestinians must be killed or otherwise removed is perhaps reduced to an aphorism, like “Israel has a right to defend itself,” to absolve the Israeli state and its rampaging army of any guilt in the process. Indeed, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ability to avoid any serious consequences for his behavior is remarkable, and it generates further atrocities that might have been unimaginable when the fighting in Gaza started back in October. Al Jazeera has reported how Netanyahu is now pushing ahead to formalize what has been referred to as the “colonial project,” whereby “the appropriation of all Palestinian Lands will follow on… the outright exclusion of the Palestinian people from their homeland.” Bibi said in a speech to supporters that “These are the basic lines of the national government headed by me: The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan, Judea and Samaria.”

Journalist Patrick Lawrence, writing at Consortium News, recently described how “Israel’s savagery in its determination to exterminate the Palestinians of Gaza — and we had better brace for what is next on the West Bank of the Jordan — marks a turn for all of humanity. In its descent into depravity the Zionist state drags the West altogether down with it.” Indeed, and the United States of America is the foremost great power to be reduced to the status of a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Jewish state, unable to advance its own interests when confronted by the juggernaut of the so-called Israel Lobby and associated Jewish and Zionist-Christian organizations that have corrupted and controlled American foreign as well as select domestic policies.

Witness what has occurred in the last several weeks when the international community has rallied to end the slaughter and deliberate starvation of largely defenseless Gazan civilians. First came a United Nations Security Council move by the United States, which introduced a resolution calling for, but not demanding, an immediate though possibly temporary cease fire in Gaza. When the resolution came up for a vote it was vetoed by Russia and China. There were several problems with the text as it inevitably sought to give Israel considerable flexibility in managing the situation. It included an admonition that the effort to secure a ceasefire must be “in connection with the release of all remaining hostages,” which is an Israeli demand with the willingness of Israel to participate at all very much dependent on the hostage issue. The resolution allowed the fighting to continue and it put control of the entry and distribution of urgently needed relief supplies under the ”security” management of the Israeli army. Then came a Russian and Chinese resolution, approved by all members of the council but the US which “abstained.” The US immediately declared the resolution to be “non-binding” and while the document was meant to permit a ceasefire through the end of Ramadan, it has yet to be enacted by Israel which continues to block food and medicine relief shipments and has focused its latest attacks on the few remaining hospitals, killing hundreds more Gazans. Even though the resolution demanded action on the ceasefire and access to relief supplies Israel has ignored it and so has Washington. As only the United States can compel Israel to change course the fact that it continues to fund Israel and provide it with secret shipments of planeloads weapons, without which Netanyahu would be unable to continue his war, speaks for itself in terms of who is controlling whom.

And don’t be fooled by President Joe Biden’s alleged pressure on Netanyahu to “protect civilians” even as Bibi draws up plans with his war cabinet to invade Gaza’s southernmost Rafah Region, where 1.5 million Palestinians have sought refuge and are now confronted by imminent death with no way out. Biden is responding to opinion polls in the US that indicate that more than half of Americans are opposed to what Israel is doing in Gaza and the percentage is steadily growing, so he is pretending to have humanitarian impulses and a conscience, neither of which is true, in a cynical effort to support his possible reelection.

To be sure both the White House and Congress, supported by the Jewish dominated media, are totally in Netanyahu’s pocket, something which he has admitted to publicly more than once, saying that the United States is “easily moved” by someone like him. But if one really needed proof positive about who is in charge in the US-Israel relationship, one need only look at the recent omnibus federal government budget bill of $1.2 trillion. Activist Pascal Lottaz has taken the time to go through the complete 1,012 page document detailing where the money goes and discusses his findings in a 9 minute podcast on YouTube. Lottaz has confirmed both the immediate cash payment of $3.8 billion in “tribute money” to Israel plus the already reported blocking of any federal government funding of United Nation Relief and Works Agency for Gaza (UNRWA) for at least a year. As UNRWA is the key humanitarian aid agency, the latter is a prohibition completely inconsistent with Biden’s expressed desire to confront the “surging” humanitarian aid crisis for the Gazans who are facing starvation in the context of an active genocide. The prohibition is in spite of the continuing lack of evidence to substantiate Israel’s claims of “terrorism support” leveled against the UN agency and despite the famine conditions already present in Gaza. In his review of the document, Lottaz has also discovered those and other specific benefits that involve Israel in 10 sections of the bill.

The bill also seeks to protect Israel from accountability under existing or new international law and to limit Palestinian efforts to resist or defend themselves. It requires any organization receiving US funding to show that it is actively taking steps “to combat anti-Israel bias” and it prohibits any funding to support Palestinian statehood unless it is shown that a list of specified conditions are met including satisfactory “cooperation with Israeli security organizations.” It prohibits any funding to the Palestinian Authority if Palestine is granted statehood status by the UN or any UN agency without Israel’s consent. It oddly prohibits any security support to the West Bank or Gaza unless it is shown that satisfactory steps are being taken by the Palestinian Authority to “end torture and other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment of detainees.” It should be noted that the Palestinians, not Israel, are required to end abuse of detainees even though it is Israel that routinely engages in those practices. The detailed sections of the bill expanding on what is blocked or prohibited are as follows:

  1. The bill forbids any US funding of the UN International Commission of Inquiry investigation into Israel’s unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory: Sec. 7848(C)(2) None of the funds appropriated by this Act may be made available for the United Nations International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel.
  2. The bill defunds the UN Human Rights Council unless the organization drops all inquiry into human rights violations by Israel: Sec. 7048(b)(2)(c) UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL. (1) None of the funds appropriated by this Act may be made available in support of the United Nations Human Rights Council unless the Secretary of State determines and reports to the appropriate congressional committees that participation in the Council is important to the national interest of the United States and that such Council is taking significant steps to remove Israel as a permanent agenda item and ensure integrity in the election of members to such Council.
  3. The bill requires any international organization, department, or agency receiving US funding to show that it is taking “credible steps to combat anti-Israel bias”: SEC. 7048. (a) TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. Not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall report to the Committees on Appropriations whether each organization, department, or agency receiving a contribution from funds appropriated by this Act under the headings ‘‘Contributions to International Organizations’’ and ‘‘International Organizations and Programs’’:
  4. The bill prohibits funding of any support to Palestinian Statehood except under US State Department confirmation that its government meets specified conditions including that is is “cooperating with appropriate Israeli and other appropriate security organizations.”
  5. The bill prohibits any support to the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation: SEC. 7038. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used to provide equipment, technical support, consulting services, or any other form of assistance to the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation.
  6. The bill prohibits any funding to security assistance to the West Bank or Gaza unless the State Department reports on “the steps being taken by the Palestinian Authority to “end torture and other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment of detainees”: 7039(C)(2) SECURITY ASSISTANCE AND REPORTING REQUIREMENT. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, none of the funds made available by this or prior appropriations Acts, including funds made available by transfer, may be made available for obligation for security assistance for the West Bank and Gaza until the Secretary of State reports to the Committees on Appropriations on the steps being taken by the Palestinian Authority to end torture and other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment of detainees, including by bringing to justice members of Palestinian security forces who commit such crimes.
  7. The bill prohibits any funding of the Palestinian Authority if Palestine achieves recognition of statehood by the UN or any UN agency without Israel’s agreement or if the Palestinians initiate an investigation of Israel in the International Criminal Court: Sec.7401(k)(2)(A)(i) None of the funds appropriated under the heading ‘‘Economic Support Fund’’ in this Act may be made available for assistance for the Palestinian Authority, if after the date of enactment of this Act the Palestinians obtain the same standing as member states or full membership as a state in the United Nations or any specialized agency thereof outside an agreement negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians or the Palestinians initiate an International Criminal Court (ICC) judicially authorized investigation, or actively support such an investigation, that subjects Israeli nationals to an investigation for alleged crimes against Palestinians.
  8. The bill extends existing loan guarantees to Israel under the Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act through September 30, 2029: SEC. 7034(k)(6).
  9. The bill grants $3.3 billion in “Foreign Military Financing” to Israel, to be disbursed within 30 days: 7401(d) ISRAEL.—Of the funds appropriated by this Act under the heading ‘‘Foreign Military Financing Program’’, not less than $3,300,000,000 shall be available for grants only for Israel which shall be disbursed within 30 days of enactment of this Act: Provided, That to the extent that the Government of Israel requests that funds be used for such purposes, grants made available for Israel under this heading shall, as agreed by the United States and Israel, be available for advanced weapons systems, of which not less than $725,300,000 shall be available for the procurement in Israel of defense articles and defense services, including research and development.
  10. The bill authorizes half a billion dollars in military aid to Israel for “Iron Dome” and other missile defense systems: SEC. 8072. Of the amounts appropriated in this Act under the headings ‘‘Procurement, Defense-Wide’’ and ‘‘Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide, $500,000,000 shall be for the Israeli Cooperative Programs.

The bill has passed through Congress, is written into law, and is on its way for Joe Biden’s signature. In other words, the US is willingly complicit in thousands of deaths already plus the impending deaths of some tens of thousands more innocent people. It is funding Israel’s war of extermination against the Palestinians and is opposed to any attempts by the Palestinians to either defend themselves or their interests as a people. It is shameful and our government is behaving monstrously, controlled by a foreign power that has thoroughly corrupted it. And the rot is spreading throughout our political system to include the death of our own right to freedom of speech. Only last week Governor Greg Abbott of Texas boasted of new legislation to stamp out alleged antisemitism and as criticism of Israel or the behavior of Jews is defined as being antisemitic it is likely that students demonstrating against the Jewish state and in support of Gaza will be expelled from universities and even prosecuted. And it is also reported that the Israel Lobby in the US is busy assembling a war chest of $100 million to fund the removal of politicians and other public figures who are critical of Israel. This is serious stuff that will affect all of us. Time to wake up America!

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is
