Tuesday, September 17, 2024

"occupy these photos" by Mickey Z


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Source: Post-Woke

occupy these photos

Occupy Wall Street started 13 years ago today


Week one at Zuccotti Park.

This little guy is probably about to graduate high school now.

“no war but class war.” (actually: no war but spiritual war.)

The heartbeat of OWS.

“We have two American flags always: one for the rich and one for the poor. When the rich fly, it means that things are under control; when the poor fly, it means danger, revolution, anarchy.” (Henry Miller)

Thanksgiving 2011.

two people in this photo believe in revolution.

Easily the best and most important work I ever did with OWS was “Occupy Sandy” — when we directly served those hit by SuperStorm Sandy in late 2012.

Occupy Wall Street was very exhilarating at times. Looking back now, I see that its greatest value was leading me away from performative virtue signaling and toward a life of deeper discernment and tangible service.

I remain grateful for the transformative experience.

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