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Lenin’s insights begin to sprout among brainwashed Americans
And the teacher is not the alt media nor the Left, but the brutal reality imposed on the masses by the reigning plutocrats
Lenin statue destroyed by Ukrainian Svoboda fascists in 2015. A useless act. Repression and violence per se can't destroy an idea whose time is come. Hatred of Lenin won't stop the awakening of the masses to the new realities brought about by the crumbling of the unipolar US hegemon. the crimes of the globalist ruling class, and the incurable contradictions of capitalism.
Marxism Leninism is the science of political economy that is interested in properly understanding reality in order to improve reality for the vast working class majority. A prime tenet of Marxism Leninism is that bourgeois "democracy" is in reality nothing more than capitalist class dictatorship and that this class dictatorship is an obstacle that must be overcome in order to progress towards true democracy where the interests of all people, not just the wealthy elite, are utilized to determine government policy.
I think this is a tremendously important and developing opportunity which we need to take full advantage of. —Billy Bob
Source for this article is here.
Note: Agreement with ALL opinions embraced by people on the right is not necessary for people on the left to understand we are at a point when an overwhelming reality is starting to wake people up across the full political spectrum, and where dialog is possible. That's what systemic crises do. The break up the rigidities of the status quo. And we are living through a helluva systemic crisis, whose ultimate outcome is not yet fully discernible, but which needs to be shaped by us and not the oligarchs who precipitated this calamity. Or, is it, as the author suggests, a great opportunity to finally create a genuine democracy? |
RNC Lawyer Begins Contract Work on Background Effort to Disqualify Donald Trump
the conservative treehouse
A baseline is important to frame the accurate context:
♦ Our government is controlled by corporations and financial interests who operate on an independent agenda, not in our interest.
♦ The RNC and DNC are private clubs inside the U.S. political system, who construct the illusion of choice as directed by their benefactors (donors).
The benefactors/donors in both instances are the same entities.
This reality forms the core of the Uniparty agenda that we see surface every day in government policy that runs counter to the interests of U.S citizens and voters. The two wings of the UniParty vulture are the RNC and DNC. Any entity that exists outside the framework of the modern political industry, is considered a threat.
WASHINGTON POST – […] Jason Torchinsky, a partner with the Virginia law firm Holtzman Vogel, has in recent days initiated conversations about the idea of trying to disqualify Trump with a range of figures, including a Democratic secretary of state, fellow election lawyers and a retired federal judge who has helped lead the push to question Trump’s eligibility, according to multiple people familiar with the calls, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.
[…] Torchinsky’s firm has done legal work for the campaigns of former New Jersey governor Chris Christie and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, as well as for Never Back Down, the political action committee promoting the presidential campaign of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Torchinsky, a longtime GOP election lawyer who has also represented the Republican National Committee, is researching the issue not for Trump’s rivals but for Jacob Harriman, the founder of a nonpartisan service organization called More Perfect Union, Harriman said in a statement to The Washington Post.
“It is critical to understand if there is a legitimate risk of nominating a candidate who could be deemed to be ineligible for office,” Harriman said. Torchinsky declined to comment. (read more)
We The People are in an abusive relationship with government and the party system used to retain control and power. Once we accept that a disparate political structure exists above the election systems, a structure that runs the election systems through party/club rules, then we can begin to address how corrupt the illusion of choice has become.
In the biggest of big pictures, seeing this reality clearly is the gift from the era of Trump.
Posted in A New America, Big Government, Big Stupid Government, Cold Anger, Conspiracy ?, Decepticons, Deep State, Donald Trump, Election 2024, Joe Biden, Legislation, media bias, Notorious Liars, President Trump, Professional Idiots, RNC, THE BIG UGLY.
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