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Source: News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller
Celia Farber's "Fatal Distraction," a journalistic gem from 1992, is well worth reading now that the terrorists in charge are bringing "HIV/AIDS" back, to promote MORE terror (and "vaccines")
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Imagine, if you will, that it’s 2059 A.D. (although “A.D.” may be outlawed by then, but never mind). So it’s 2059—and everyone (who’s left alive) is masked, and wearing gloves, and “social distancing,” and calling the police (robotic “dogs”) on anyone who isn’t. Since everyone is also, once again,“self-isolating” whenever possible (both to “stay safe” from COVID-93, and to “save the planet”), and therefore doing everything online, one subject that will be on everybody’s minds and lips, because it’s on their every screen (or beamed straight to their microchips), is the upcoming 40th-anniversary extravaganza to commemorate the moment when the Great Reset began in Wuhan—that terrifying-yet-liberating moment when SARS-COV-2 lunged out of a steaming bowl of bat soup straight up Patient Zero’s nostrils, then down into their lungs (by 2059 we’ll all know who they was, or think we do), from whence it made the Great Leap Outward to infect all personkind worldwide (a lethal diaspora demonstrated by a chilling TikTok video from the New York Times) as well as all the animals: the crisis that kicked off the total reconstruction of our world into the safe space it is today (so that we’ll never have been happier).
One could go on and on imagining what such a future would, or will, be like—a nightmare that could come true only if the lessons we have learned since January, 2020, and that even “our free press” has now (quietly) acknowledged, are forgotten, and their every trace wiped out. While we know that lockdowns were deadly, masks don’t work, “social distancing” was grounded on no “science,” and gloves are no defense against an airborne pathogen (assuming such a pathogen existed, or exists), and that “it” did not leap out of a big bowl of bat soup, just by chance, and then shut down the world; and now we also know—and even Gates and Fauci have conceded it (albeit confusingly, as usual)—that those “vaccines” could not “stop the virus,” so that forcing them on everybody in the world, including children (and everybody’s pets), really wasn’t such a hot idea.
And we—we few, we scrappy few in the health freedom movement—also know a whole lot more than all of that; and all that too shall, by and by, be known to everybody, all our other “conspiracy theories” also come to be admitted as plain truth: “For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is now hidden will be brought to light and made known to all.”
But, of course, before we get to that bright day, we have a long, dark road ahead of us, there being so many urgent truths that have been deeply buried by so many vast ingenious whoppers—buried truths concerning every aspect of our lives, since long before “the virus” first made news (all fake) throughout the world. In order to grasp how the Big Lie of “the virus” fooled so many people so completely—fooled even many savvy people who, you’d think, would know better—we must go far beyond debunking all those lies about “the virus,” to that multifarious pre-history of prior lies that variously set the stage for COVID, and learn to see through all of those as well.
No one critic could do justice to them all, as it would take not just a book to do so, but a whole library. And yet there is one prior lie that we can tackle here, and that we must take on, both because it was essential to the COVID scam, and because the liars behind it, and the opportunists who have made a fortune off it, are riding it again, despite the damage that it’s done (or because of it):
CDC Vital Signs: Eliminating HIV as a Global Public Health Threat
April 12, 2023
PrEP: an HIV prevention option
October 15, 2022
How Effective Is PrEP for HIV and AIDS?
August 3, 2022
What Is PrEP for HIV?
PrEP is medicine that helps protect you from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV, which causes AIDS). It stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis.
“Pre” means before. You take the medicine before you think you might come into contact with the virus.
“Exposure” means contact with HIV.
“Prophylaxis” means treatment to stop infection in the first place. This is in contrast to treatment for people who either have signs of the virus in their blood (are HIV-positive) or already have symptoms linked to the illness.
aids/prep-for-hiv-and-aids- how-effective
From the NIH:
Progress toward an eventual HIV vaccine
December 13, 2022
HIV vaccines suffer setbacks but new approaches could turn the tide
February 3, 2023
From something called ContagionLive:
Pioneering a New Form of HIV Vaccination
Mar 21, 2023
This is just the merest glimpse of a Big Lie that just won’t die, so that it goes on killing countless people with still more lethal drugs, while casting countless others into the exquisite mental torture of awaiting death by AIDS. From all such propaganda as the snippets just above, you’d never know that HIV/AIDS was a huge scam prefiguring the vastly bigger COVID scam that’s now wiping out or crippling millions the world over. Back then, just as in 2020, the world was panicked by the specter of a killer virus that had suddenly sprung out of icky Nature (not Chinese bats, but chimpanzees and Africans); that spread asymptomatically, so that the only way to know you had it was to take a (useless) PCR test for it; that now required that everybody stay away from everybody else (especially gays); and that soon had all those who had “tested positive” on a deadly regimen of AZT—a “cure” that killed those taking it to stay alive, just like those “vaccines” now, except that Freddy Mercury, Arthur Ashe, Keith Haring, Rudolf Nureyev and the others taking it did not “die suddenly,” but over months of agony, their symptoms misreported by the media as caused by AIDS. (AZT would not have been disastrously rushed through the FDA’s approval process—which has been broken ever since—without the “radical” theatrics of ACT UP.)
That the HIV/AIDS scam was largely hatched, and deftly fronted (and those gay militants seduced), by Dr. Fauci, who then moved on to do the same for “COVID” (hoodwinking all the “left”), bolsters the high likelihood that “HIV/AIDS,” if not a deliberate dress rehearsal for the “COVID crisis,” was certainly among its primary templates; and this relationship suggests that, if the “HIV/AIDS” psy-op had been duly thwarted, as it should have been, there would have been no “COVID crisis,” nor (of course) would the military-medical-industrial colossus now be hammering its gongs about “eliminating HIV as a global health threat,” “progress toward an eventual HIV vaccine,” and all the other lethal, highly profitable fantasies that should have been aborted roughly forty years ago (as “COVID vaccination” will have been by 2059).
And that definitely would have happened, if those few journalists who truthfully reported the full scientific argument about the “HIV/AIDS” thesis had been emulated by the rest of “our free press,” instead of smeared and shunned (probably at the behest of Dr. Fauci). As readers of this Substack know, in this regard I champion the work of Celia Farber, whose Serious Adverse Events is back in print from Chelsea Green, with a new preface by myself (and which I posted here a month ago).
Since then I learned from Celia that, in 1992, she wrote a 10,000-word article called "Fatal Distraction.” Requiring trips to several countries to conduct the interviews (and sparking a near-mutiny by the AIDS-propaganda-addled staff at SPIN), “Fatal Distraction” was her most comprehensive response to the “HIV/AIDS” juggernaut as it was darkening the planet in the early Nineties. As it illuminates the very birth of the “HIV/AIDS” death trap, explaining how Team Fauci pulled it off, it’s an important piece (and all too timely now); and so I’m posting it today, as it was, somehow, not included in Serious Adverse Events.
And so, for anyone who wants a basic understanding of exactly how the HIV/AIDS theory was forced into faux-consensus, despite its glaring weaknesses, this piece is a vivid and succinct elaboration on the arguments against that theory raised (to no avail) by the long-suffering Peter Duesberg, and their appreciative reception by other eminences such as Joseph Sonnabend, Gordon Stewart and Kary Mullis, who had not yet won his Nobel Prize for inventing PCR technology. (With this piece, Farber was the first reporter to get quotes from Mullis, who didn’t pull his punches (and who died suddenly—and, some think, conveniently—some six months before the rollout of “the coronavirus”).
“Fatal Distraction” is here:
Let me conclude by also recommending, as a precious antidote to the abundant HIV/AIDS propaganda still gushing from the government-and-media, the work of Rebecca Culshaw Smith, an intrepid researcher (trained as a mathematician) now carrying the torch that Celia held aloft back in the day (and who also has been viciously attacked for it). Her book, The Real AIDS Epidemic: How the Tragic HIV Mistake Threatens Us All, was published just last month by Skyhorse; and her Substack is essential reading:
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